BootsnAll Travel Network

To See Or Not To See…That Is The Question!

If you have been following this blog for awhile, you know that I am currently quoting from my manuscript, Questions & Answers, which I am now preparing for publication. After cold-editing my other manuscript about my recent, four-month, backpacking/hosteling, solo journey around South America, I’ve come to the conclusion that it isn’t complete and may require another trip to that continent to finish traveling down the Andean spinal column, through Chile, which I completely missed this time.

So, I’m turning to this manuscript, which has been waiting in my files for over ten years until I got up the courage to go public with the fact that I can easily interview The Holy Spirit. Lately, I have added many new questions to the 230 original questions, both to cover brand-new material and to probe deeper into some of the answers already received.The following quote will probably preface this new book of mine.

In order to read this with the most open mind possible, take a moment to consider “Question” as a vast Entity, ready to introduce Itself to an inquiring mind:

What is a Question? This seems to be an unappreciated reality. I know how hard it is to think of good ones. They could be called Topics, as well, when it comes to writing or speaking; but until a new question comes along, former topics must do. And that can become static. To be interesting, the question must be new, or else, it simply introduces a topic again.

How valuable is The Question to the flow of creation?

My God! I have wanted This Question to be asked since the very beginning of time! It seems so simple, but how many people really operate from questions? Many do…but they don’t follow them to their root… only to the point where they either give up, or think that they know what they’re talking about. They don’t include ME in their answer, or their formula for truth. I AM the Answer to their Question! I am the Great Force of Creation! I am the answer to all questions. I am the One Who ultimately needs the answer, because I must create more. And how can I do this without any Ideas?

Absolutely! The Question is the basic root of any idea. Is that not so? Obviously, someone always has the answer. The trick is to ask the question of the right person, or the right mind, the right source. Even various answers add up to a new kind of knowledge which wouldn’t have existed without The Question.

Sometimes, answers without questions fall upon unprepared ears; become pedantic; or too ponderous, making them sound too much like lectures for the listener to truly perceive. But, an answer suited to the question becomes a thrill in the veins of the hearer. Thought usually first produces the question. Then comes an answer to fit that frame.

Even the image of the Oracle on the Mountaintop usually includes The Questor, who has painfully scaled that height in order to ask his question.

Is it not proper that we give equal time and place to The Question, as well as to The Answer?

Yes, it is time that we gave honor and ranking to The Question. We have often asked for The Answer, Answer, Answer, and have not given as much weight or importance to The Question.

Again,I am new at this, and realize I’m assuming that things are thus and so. Maybe Question has been king all along.

No. It has not been the primary quest.

“Ask and ye shall receive!” Is this not a cosmic command to question? We think of it in material terms. Ask for what you want and you will get it. But, it is truly beyond that, for knowledge is the gift when one asks a good question. Is this not the true meaning of that scriptural injunction?

Y.E.S! It has to be!

I want to speak! This is The Question! I am an Entity, just as Time is an Entity. We are usually so vast and so concerned with our own situations, that We don’t often get involved this way. I love people who love Me! I will come to them and inspire them and I will put ideas in their minds and they will come up with good questions. And, I will call in Answer to come and join me. And We will be one on that particular point.

This is Answer! I have so much to share and I can do it when someone keeps persisting with question after question. Question is the Key to Me! I am locked up, but there is always a key, and I want to be known. Then, there will be both The Question and The Answer on your side…standing side by side…beside you. You will free up the flow of information so much.

“Ask and ye shall receive!” Of course, this is the deep meaning behind that command!

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