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“The Secret of Reality – Part II” – My First Ayahuasca Ceremony

(Yesterday`s blog left you dangling, mid-vision, with the possibly alarming quote about my “wishing to leave Reality .”   Don´t worry .  That was definitely not a suicidal thought, but I really did  sincerely mean it, at the same time.  Still do and always will.  Think about the context.  The underlying truth of all existence is that Happiness is not to be found within Reality.  I already knew this and have always looked forward to the day when I am invited to wing my  way out of the Physical Realm and attain the Plane where True Happiness does exist.  In the meantime, I am perfectly content to continue my examination of this fascinating world which surrounds me at this present moment.  I believe that by the time you have read this second half of my Ayahuasca Vision, you will understand the context of my heartfelt wish with which I ended the previous entry. 

As if to illustrate the potency of   the spiritual vibrancy of Paz y Luz  Healing Center ( in Pisac, Peru, I have been invited to take part in a Sacred Dispacho and another Ayahuasca Ceremony this afternoon and tonight.  Then, I will surely have another vision to describe here.   My cup runneth over!)

                                         THE SECRET OF REALITY – Part II

The Voice told me;

“You are being shown the Conditions of Reality.”   All beings within Reality are trapped there.  They cannot leave existence and they cannot find Happiness within Reality.”               

Then, though it wasn´t spoken, I suddenly realized that the denizens of those States of Being, with their constantly seeking, swaying, supplicating  arms, were begging for Happiness.  This was their form of prayer, but rather than calling upon the Presence of God and desiring to draw close to their Creator, they were asking for things for themselves; for objects, for love, for success, health, a change of condition…for an ever-changing, or growing, list of THINGS, which they, at that moment, believed would supply them with happiness.

The atmosphere was dark, overcast, and sad because there was no Source of Happiness within their Realm of Reality, which is occupied by all created beings, and no amount of decoration or of constant wanting and wishing for more gifts and trinkets could fill that void.  I realized that this was the human level, and not the microbial, though the same drama may also be playing out there, as well.                                                 

Again, I said “I do not wish to be here.   I wish to leave the State of Reality.”   Though temporarily content and resigned to my place in the universe, I again longed for the time when I will exit this trapped and rooted barnacle-bucket and float Upward to my Loving Voice, Who waits for me.  Then, in think-talk, I spoke for the first time in this vision:  “Where is the Happiness which I know to be possible within Reality?”

The scene was neutral for a moment, as the dimensions faded away.  Then, as if through a tunnel of shade which was the inside of a small private aircraft, looking towards the rear, I saw the head and shoulders of two men in animated conversation.  One was somewhat facing me, though turned three-quarters towards the airplane window.  I could only see the back of the man who was listening.  I would again recognize the face of the speaker who was looking upwards out of the window, because his face was bathed in the pearlescent glow of light streaming upon him.  He was middle-aged, red-headed, with large eyes and was very happy in this moment of joyful, funny , inspired conversation which, obviously, took into account the beauty of Something beyond himself.   As if to underline the point, the setting was an airplane, high above the earth; a clear clue to the meaning of my answer.

Then, the scene shifted and I was watching a line of five male singers, thirtyish and attractive, with long hair which was waving in sea -current pomadors above their heads as they sang from a stage.  The blond one in the center held a black cordless microphone to his mouth and they were all moving in rythmn to the music which I could not hear.  Pouring down upon them was the same peach-toned, pearlescent light that had shone into the airplane.  They seemed to be completely aware of it,  and were actually singing to it, or with it, as if it were an offstage Being of the Kleig Lights.  These happy men were spreading a vigorous state of laughter and movement to their audience.

The next shift of scene could have been to a spot in that same nightclub.  Young men and women circled a table, also bathed in the beautiful Upper Light, and they were all laughing and talking easily, responding to each other as well as to the Light which was streaming down upon them.  There was obviously a direct, conscious, and completely inclusive link with the Big Guy Above, Who was cracking as many jokes as they were.  Obviously, this was their habitual practice and nothing unusual for any of them.  I was witnessing a night together in the utmost sense of the term.  They were not separated from that Source above them, but they were also clearly not thinking of Him as a supply house and a granter-of-wishes for stuff, comfort, and things.  Instead, they were filled with happiness and satisfaction and were completely caught up in the sheer fun and laughter of togetherness.

Then, as a concluding statement to my vision, a Voice came through, low on my opposite ear, at shoulder level, with the same pressurized push, but reddish in color now.  (The color was not important…I suppose…and I only realized later that it wasn`t aqua as the first one had been.)   This Voice said:

“If the Source of Happiness did exist within Reality, then you (the creatures) would never agree to die and come with Me when first I ask you!”


That was the end of the vision.  I will explain the meaning of the last statement because I know exactly what He meant, having received many previous explanations about death.  Because we have been granted free will, God always comes to us just prior to our intended death with the clear and straightforward question:  “Are you willing to die and come with Me and leave this earthly Plane of Existence?”  Though the human may not be open to consciously registering That Voice, it will hear, innerly, and will give one or the other answer immediately.  Usually, the answer is “No!”  The proper, and most beneficial answer is “Yes!” and death will then naturally follow, whether soon or late, but the bargain is sealed with that one loving question. 

What the individual cannot know is that a Heavenly Body is prepared and waiting at the moment of the first asking and if the human agrees to go, they will quickly occupy their perfect form and life will continue for them in another place.  However, a refusal may allow them to linger on in this lower plane, but the waiting body begins to lose its freshness, perhaps age somewhat, waiting for its intended occupant.  Eventually, all lingerers will succumb  to the inevitable and will, unavoidably, die; but they have both lost their choice and their fine body and will have to wear whatever is left of it in their next state of being.  At last, they will become informed of what they had passed up by a stubborn clinging to that lower condition in spite of their state of suffering and their lack of true happiness in life which is our unavoidable Reality here.

Knowing that background, I could easily understand why this Earthly Plane is not made to be any more magnetically-binding than it already is.

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One Response to ““The Secret of Reality – Part II” – My First Ayahuasca Ceremony”

  1. “The Secret of Reality - Part II” - My First Ayahuasca Ceremony Says:

    […] posted here: “The Secret of Reality – Part II” – My First Ayahuasca Ceremony “The Secret of Reality – Part II” – My First Ayahuasca CeremonySHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: […]

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