BootsnAll Travel Network

“The Secret Of Reality” – My Ayahuasca Vision – Part I

(The previous two blogs are preface to this one: my continuing story of my first experience with the traditional Peruvian Healing Ceremony – Ayahuasca.  The blog posting before this one describes the actual event of the ceremony and all details, without sharing the story of my resulting vision.  You might want to read that one first, so that you understand the setting within which this occurred.  I am staying in a wonderful Bed & Breakfast, Paz y Luz, in Pisac, Peru, only an hour away from Cuzco, Peru.  Go to to get a bit of an introduction to this beautiful place and to begin to plan for your own trip to this Spiritual Epicenter of the Planet.  While I am here, for at least the next week, I shall be sending blog bulletins about the lovely life I am living at this moment.  Here is my journal entry of Friday, March 6, 2009:)

I´m tucked into bed, swathed in blankets, writing in my journal and simultaneously reading Diane Dunn´s good book: Cusco – The Gateway To Inner Wisdom: A Journey To The Energetic Center Of The World.”  Dianne is the founder of Paz y Luz whom I have not yet met, as she has just returned from a trip and needs the luxury of time to catch up on her return.  Plus, I hear that she has developed a case of shingles of the eyes, just like I have at the moment (how strange is that?) and well I know the blow to the energy which that delivers.  But, it`s better to meet her through the pages of her book first, so that I will already know her very well when we finally do have time to meet in person.

Right now, I need to catch up on journaling my Vision Quest experience of the Ayahuasca Ceremony, as well as to capture the wonderful meeting of the minds which Gray, Dana, and I had last night when I described my Spinal Column Analogy to them.  Boy, was I zinging all last night with the spiritual energy that our brainstorming produced!  Couldn`t fall asleep for hours.  Being in this pregnant place is bringing so many new understandings to light and sleep was elusive because my Upper Ones were so excited about the positive input and reaction of these two beautiful and spiritual souls.  I have had so few opportunities to share this material with anyone at all and here, in Paz y Luz, there is promise that I might find many such chances.  I will share this ongoing discovery in future blogs as well, but I had better capture my vision down now before the topic moves on to other adventures.

                                       THE SECRET OF REALITY

My vision began to flow in a familiar way with morphing faces.  The eyes of the face were locked upon mine but the visage containing them changed fluidly.  Different expressions and face shapes, even eye sizes, merged with each other while the mouths uttered silent words.  This ever-changing series of beings was announcing, or explaining, something to me and it was not the least bit disturbing to me that I couldn`t hear a sound.  Their eyelids fluttered with expression as the head moved in the natural delivery of this preface to my experience-to-come.  I always think of this almost-theatrical delivery as a Greek Chorus in its intention and my curiosity is riveted upon the interesting features of each changing face.  I could witness this for hours, if only it would last that long.  But, fifteen or twenty faces seems to exhaust the rank and then things fade to blank.  My night experiences, or dreams, often begin this way and I have no reason to believe that the faces are the same ones each time.

Next, during this Ayahuasca Ceremony, I found myself viewing a melding series of strange, shoebox-shaped, living spaces.  At first, I concentrated on their exterior decoration.  I saw emeralds stuck into a wall like rocks in a decorative pattern, a mosaic of pebbles, which just happened to be jewels.  Then, the wall became more colorful with many brightly-colored jewels and precious stones of a wide variety of colors.

By this time, I was moving along, sliding by, the walls, just as I have recently been doing in my actual travels through the narrow streets of many South American cities.  I often study the walls, windows, doors, signs, textures and they all have distinct personalities that add up to my impression of a place.  After the jeweled enclosures, I came to one of the rectangular block facades which had colorful plastic alphabet letters glued on in crazy, meaningless patterns; and then one that was so gaudy with riotous glittery color that I thought of a rinky-tink carnaval.

Oddly though, this set of living spaces, which I somehow knew were dimensions of a wide variety of created life, of living beings, was not pleasing and beautiful, in spite of its obvious potential to be just that.  It appeared lifeless and dull, as if the atmosphere was overcast.  It all seemed sad and very quiet.

Next, I found myself floating towards a much more attractive structure and I was so involved in studying the artistry of its construction that I didn`t take note of the fact that my soaring towards it felt as if I was again dangling from the paraglider which I had ridden just last week in Miraflores, Lima.  This wall was like the cliffside of a very high ceramic artpiece of a building glazed in lovely pastel.  Little barnacle-shaped balconies erupted all along the sides of this structure, like those cups on the side of pottery strawberry planter urns, which each hold one small plant.  The ceramic cups were baby blue, and from each one, waved a polyp-like resident whose streamer “hands” floated above what must have been its head.  If I were a scuba diver exploring a reef, these would be the sea urchins or the inhabitants of shell creatures spending their time floating their little fans in the great ocean current.  I knew that these little beings were rooted firmly in their bowls.

The thought occurred to me (mistakenly, as it turned out) that these creatures were reaching out to find God and were surely supplicating to a Greater Being.  I also compared them to people who might stick their bodies out of a train window and wave vigorously in the air, but who were firmly planted inside of the moving train with no intention or practical reason to follow their hands in a complete departure from the train.

Because I am no stranger to significant visions, I have trained myself to participate by keeping a running, memorized journal entry going on inside of my head.  Not only to discover a bit of logic or a message or purpose, but to keep up with the sequence for later recording.

I knew that these were dimensions of living.  Was I now being shown the human level in these hopeful little waving polyps?  That was thrown into doubt when I entered a scene populated only by animals – large jungle cats, wild cats – which I first thought were lions or tigers because they were orange or tawny golden.  They sat looking me directly in the eye, full-face, as if their message was very significant.  The leader almost seemed to look oddly like Garfield with black stripes on orange and slightly bugged eyes, and I dismissed this comparison as silly and not worthy of the serious demeanor of this battery of staring cats. 

(Imagine my surprise, when I saw that very cat`s face (sort of Garfield, sort of Thai Temple) mounted on the side of the Pisac Government building on the square the next day???  I had not seen it before this ceremony.)

I now asked myself if perhaps I had been in the lower levels previously and the polyp people might represent bacteria or some other minute inhabitants of creation.  Was I now entering the animal kingdom and would I be shown the human level next? 

These golden cats proved to be pumas, an animal sacred here in Peru, and surely sacred to our shaman.  Were they telling me something with their many faces sending penetrating stares directly to my eyes?  Was this another Greek Chorus prefacing my next vision?  My mind also wondered about the many rectangular, over-decorated, individualistic houses.  They reminded me of the mud brick block towns in Peru which I have passed so often on the bus.  No matter how gaudy or how plain, there was an atmosphere of sadness about them, just as those actual mud towns on the garbage dumps had seemed to feel. 

My mind began to repeat:  “I no longer wish to be here!” as I floated beside them; as it has often done in many anonymous towns and countries I have passed through on my many journeys.  At some point, I will inevitably form my intention to move on; and that becomes the energy which pushes me away and forward to the next experience of life, or in this case, to a look at another dimension.  One wall was covered with shiny black bugle beads and one wiggly red strip, as if it was the entrance to a sad nightclub.  You know how lonely those look in the bright light of day.

Now, I heard the Voice, or really a turquoise voice stream, which entered my consciousness below my left ear at shoulder level.  This was new to me!  Never have my Voices approached from that point, but always higher within my head.  Plus, the sound quality was different.  Though clear and easy to understand, it was more “pressurized” than the natural, relaxed sound of my usual Companions.  As if it were issuing like steam…not a hissing sound, but a powerful, energy-packed sound.  It said:

“You are being shown the Conditions of Reality.  All beings within Reality are trapped there.  They cannot leave existence, and they cannot find Happiness within Reality.”

Then, as I overflew these dimensions of living, I began to repeat not only “I no longer wish to be here!” but an added, heartfelt statement:  “I no longer wish to be within Reality.”

End of Part I.  This is so long, that I will continue with the second half tomorrow.  Tune in later.   

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