BootsnAll Travel Network

Coming Out Of The Closet: I Talk To The Holy Spirit!

This is the third installment of a string of blogs about Death & Dying. Check back a few blogs to catch up.

This is a subject that I have been very secretive about for almost thirty years now, but have recently been encouraged by reading the works of other authors who “tell it like it is.” My blogs have included more and more of this angle and nobody’s come looking for me with a shotgun yet. Pretty soon, I’m going to have to compose the introduction to my next book…which is about my travels in South America, but, this time, will include all the woo-woo stuff that was also part of my journaled notes. How am I going to capsulize this phenomenon in an understandable way? I have no idea, but we shall consider these blogs part of that practice. Just being open about it all, is very good practice in its own right.

Plus, you can’t even imagine the massive amount of written material I have accumulated in the ten years I’ve been putting it all on paper. So, my overall ten year goal is to publish as much as I can, so that it won’t be lost when I do my dying. How long do I have? Not a clue, but I’d better get started now.

So, while we’re on the fascinating subject of… DYING… I shall continue this topic by quoting from my volume of Questions & Answers, written in 2000. It occurred to me back then, that as long as I could speak to, and hear answers from, The Holy Spirit…well, I’d better do what Barbara Walters would do and ask all the questions I could think of on many, many topics. So, here’s what I got about Death:

#32 – I’m interested in the sensations of death. Is there a point after which it feels the same for everyone, taking into consideration the varying methods of dying?

No! Death feels different for different people! For some, it is not a pleasant experience and for others, it is the most pleasant experience they will ever have. The unpleasant ones are filled with fear and foreboding. They usually  know that they have done something terrible and have failed their life’s purpose. For the pleasant ones, they will feel serene and content with the Will of God and they will be very, very content to just slip away, even if their death appears to be violent, such as an accident or a gunshot at close range, they will face death calmly. That serenity continues forever, once they have faced death calmly and bravely. Once they discover the absolute joy that is possible to experience at the successful completion of a life’s plan, they will look forward to death, even though they may enjoy their life on Earth. (This answer followed a long series of questions about reincarnation and that’s why this states that you won’t fear death after having died successfully once, an answer that makes no sense unless you believe in reincarnation.

#33. How does death feel?

The moment of death is so brief that it is hard to say how it feels. Sometimes, people have pain but not as much as if they survive an accident or illness, or any condition which could cause death. The moment when death occurs, pain ceases, though the consciousness keeps functioning. Sometimes it is confusing to someone who does not know they are going to die, or who is unwilling to face death. It is inevitable that they finally face the fact that they are dead. Their emotions, which were part of their late personality, do not cross over with them unless they are caught in the “web” of that life and cannot extract themselves from that personality. This happens when they are too heavily emotionally invested in their recent life on Earth, and cannot separate from family or loved ones, or their condition of life.

#34. Is there a predictable sequence to the Process of Death?

Yes. It will fall into a predictable sequence, depending on whether it is a good or a bad experience. The ingredients of the two experiences are very, very different. Depending on a successful culmination of a person’s life plan, if they are on a reincarnational track, there will be a great deal of celebration at the moment a person enters the Other World, not on the Earth Plane, where they have just exited. There will be friends and so many family members, waiting to congratulate them; because they have just come through a very difficult and dangerous maze successfully and everyone is so relieved and can’t wait to witness the summation of their life, which will be done in a very complete fashion once everyone is gathered together. This is something like an awards ceremony or a narrated film. People in the Other World become very excited when the time for the famous person’s death approaches, because they are so excited to see how this person has done a very difficult task. It’s something like the return and landing of astronauts after a very dangerous, difficult, and important space mission. We, in the Upper Realms, look at those returning from an Earth Life with awe and wonder, if they return at all, because those who fail the test don’t even show up on this Plane after they have died.

Stay tuned. Future questions deal with – Near Death Experiences, Sequence of bad deaths, treatment of bodies, what we remember in the next world, our body there, cremation,  embalming, organ donations, hovering around the body, can the dead hear?  Do we attend our own funeral? And so much more.

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