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A Dream About The Economic Meltdown Reaction – In The Future

These days, I’m spending a lot of time at the computer typing up six months’ worth of accumulated journals.  These cover the four months that I was traveling in South America, but also the months leading up to that trip.  Much of what I discover in those journals turns out to be quite a surprise to me now, because after so much time has passed, I’ve completely forgotten most of what I wrote on sleepy mornings while drinking my cup of coffee and coming slowly into the day.

That was the case with this surprising “prophecy” that I had dreamed of back in October, 2008, when economic crashing and gnashing of teeth was dominating the news.  Here is my journal entry.  One reason that it feels surprising to me is that I have not been directly affected by this economic crisis, having very little in the way of wealth or possessions; so there was no deep well of fear, or angst, within me to have caused this dream to occur.

(October 12, 2008) ” Well, this was an interesting night, in that it held a very distinct prophecy.  I have never thought this thought, nor have I read it, nor heard it expressed before.  It is not a Pronouncement coming From Above, but a prophecy, a foretelling, of something that will evolve from seeds already set here on earth.  This concerns something that we humans will do as a natural consequence of things that have already happened.  This feels like seeing a tsunami before it hits shore.

A Voice roused me out of a sound sleep and announced that, after this economic crash has run its course sweeping away so much that is familiar all over the globe in the way of government and corporate pillars of our present economies, that there will come a backlash from the populations against the individuals responsible for this.  It will amount to a personal vendetta against every one of those individuals who had profited so hugely and who had driven their institutions into the ground.  Lists would be drawn up from vast stores of data now available on the internet and the results would be circulated throughout the web, as well.  Targeted individuals would, essentially, have nowhere to hide because the entire global population would be after them.  This will not include their families – only the guilty individuals – and will be somewhat similar to the ongoing hunts still conducted for remaining Nazi officials, though it will have a better information system to follow.

This thing that was described wasn’t an official, and certainly not a legal, hit squad.  It was a Revenge Squad, completely comprised of angry citizens, although some of them might work somewhere in an official capacity.  This would be the “throat slit in the night” sort of justice squad and it will not rest or disappear until the guilty ones are dispatched.

This has nothing to do with any Divine Plan to punish the greedy ones.  It was simply a seeing to the inevitable conclusion of a thread that is now in its infancy.  It’s an idea that hasn’t yet even occurred to its perpetrators.

There is only one embryonic trace of such a state of mind in the news today and it is not at all aimed in the same direction.  There are stories of very angry crowds at McCain’s election rallies, who are now terrified that Obama might win.  These are the evangelical, right-wing Republicans who not only feel their party’s power slipping away, but are also experiencing the shock of the stock market collapse and the bursting of the housing bubble at the heart of this economic calamity.

They are scared and mad and are venting in a socially-approved manner, so far.  But, they’re flirting with the edge already and are mixing racism, religion, poverty and politics into a volatile stew.  This is the populous mood, which somewhere down the road, could harden into a very concerted vendetta against the ones who caused this to happen, the ones who “destroyed their rosy little world,” which really wasn’t as rosy as they now remember.

This peek into the future, at least didn’t include visions of the countries of the world turning upon America to punish us for doing this to the world’s money supply.  It, very specifically, showed what was going to happen to the executives, and players at all levels, who cashed-in on the soaring profits, which they, themselves, had caused to spin out of control.  It was a cool and calculated meting out of vigilante justice, engineered and executed by the people of the global society.

And, they were going to get away with it.  It was very clear that this justice was not being meted out From Above, but was a natural human group reaction, an inevitable consequence of reprehensible actions by the few, which deeply affected the many.”

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