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Archive for June, 2008

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Is Anybody Else Tired of All These Security Numbers?

Friday, June 13th, 2008

Because of all this recent book publishing activity, I’ve been in touch with more online account opportunities than ever before.  I tell you!  Most of the time, I wind up feeling idiotic and imbecilic because I can’t get through their front door, even though I am perfectly qualified to do so.  It’s all due to the security numbers and passwords they require.  In no time, I have a variety of usernames, passwords, and security questions on record and I simply cannot keep them all straight, even if I cheat and write them down somewhere.  Well, if I didn’t jot them down, I wouldn’t remember even sixty seconds from the time of creating them, because, usually, they have gone through several versions before the system will accept it and therefore, I’ve written something that didn’t work and have to enter another try, represented only by bullets, so you’d better have written it before you typed it or you won’t even know the password that actually went through!   Grrrrr!

Can you guess that my whole morning has been spent simply trying to set up online banking on my existing accounts and to transfer funds into the escrow account of, who will hold it for the winning bidder on my cover design project?  And I still haven’t succeeded in this simple transaction!  It’s not these businesses faults.  They know what they are doing.  I am just getting lost and confused in the security mazes.  Okay, I finally got my online banking ability…….just so I could have a looksee into my account, which now will be a great convenience.  Elance is a totally separate transaction and I’m sure a very easy one.  But, I’ve had to ask for help on how to give them money. 

Gee Whiz!  Nowadays, the business world must be really full of this maze of earning your way into the page where you can actually accomplish the business at hand.  I’m so glad I’m retired and can do it only on a voluntary basis.  But, I always feel very amateur when I keep bashing into the maze walls.  I talk myself down with the following rationalizatons:  I’m a senior!  I didn’t grow up with ethinking.  I’m a Writer!  Too impatient for all this falderal.  I’m a Backpacker!  I like to live close to nature and the simpler things, like finding places to eat and places to sleep.  Who has time for this in an internet cafe?  Of course, I’m not on the road now, but that doesn’t make me any more business-like.  I’m just not paying by the hour to use the computer. 

I vote for a thumbprint reading device to be built into all the computers and then let that be our ID!  The present system is causing traffic jams!

Big Blogsite Still Under Construction. No Problem!

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

Good things are exploding in Cyberworld! I had a great consultation with my web/blog designer and found that we are not quite ready to launch the blogsite in its full glory yet. But, by the end of June, all will come around wonderfully! There’s a fabulous new print and online magazine, Women Out West, being launched at this same time and I’ve been invited to submit a story for each of the online issues. Since I have lived all over the West – in the Pacific Northwest, on the Navajo Reservation, and in Aspen/Snowmass, Colorado, I qualify, even though I now live in Florida. So, I’ve been writing vignettes of my adventures in those States to submit for inclusion.

 Blog designer, Deb of Garlic D’, is responsible for the above magazine, as well as many spin offs that are naturally occurring; such as a conglomeration of authors, who will soon be available online for live confabs. It’s great to be in the middle of this creative melange. All of our websites will soon be linking to each other. This is the networking that blogsites can bring about, and to think: we haven’t even left the gate yet!

Another site that has shown interest in connecting with mine, is one for women Baby Boomers. We women have always been excellent networkers, but now, the sudden arrival of the ability to carry on a blogsite over the web, is a natural for our innate talents. If you have something to share with others, I’d certainly recommend this new level of communication that has so recently been spread before us.

Tonight, I have also just accepted a bid from one of the eleven companies who responded to my project proposal on for a cover design for my book. It’s an excellent design company in Argentina. So, some of my future entries will chronicle this new development.

Is My Blog,, to be Born Today?

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

I’m leaving in a minute for a conference with my Blog designer.  Could be, it will be ready to go “on the air!”  At any rate, that will happen soon and you all are invited to attend.  Keep trying, if you still draw a blank today.  It won’t be long.  We will be building it and adding photos and videos as we go, so this is just the beginning.  Also, there will be a link here, as well.  And, when the book is printed, you can buy it from the site.  So, little by little, something is being created out of thin air.  Especially now that we co-exist in a cyberworld these days.  Have you ever stopped to ponder how the internet has changed our lives?  And what a strange world it is out there, to go hiking around in using only our fingers to do the walking.  Okay, more soon!  Wish me luck!

More On Creating Books About Travel

Sunday, June 8th, 2008

You want to know what’s International these days?  The realm of Book Publishing, that’s what!  This is really an eye-opener; this staying home to write a book between RTWs.  I have reached the stage of needing to get a cover designed for my book “Hey Boomers Dust Off Your Backpacks: Travel The World On A Limited Budget” and my author friend steered me to, which is a very sophisticated online source of freelance talent – graphics, logo design, web design, copy-editing, writing – and probably much more.  You can use this free service from both sides: as a buyer like me, or as a provider of your line of work. 

As a buyer, I described my project, set a number of days I’d take bids, and a price range; then sat back to watch the bids roll in.  I have heard from book cover designers in the US, South America, and India and I like the work and the prices quoted.  When bidding closes tomorrow night, I already know that I have several good ones to choose from.  Once you accept a bid, you pay the money agreed upon to an elance escrow account and that is not released to the artist until you are completely satisfied.  So, everyone is protected.  The bidders are making it very clear that they will go the whole nine yards, for as long as it takes, back and forth, on sample designs until you’re happy, but they promise a swift deadline, as well.  Some are individuals, but others are big design firms of long-standing and a high earning, high-satisfaction rate with elance and everyone provides samples of their work.  It’s very international and very democratic and very electronic.  It’s the way of the future for publishing!  If I were almost flat broke, I could still afford some of these bids, so I think a nice-looking book can be done very inexpensively.  I’m willing to spend a little more, but even the most-attractive-to-me bidders are within my budget. 

Besides, it’s just a hoot… finally getting a look at your newborn’s face after so long in the womb.  I’m not quite at that point yet, but I will be next month after I’ve selected my artist; paid my money down, worked with them through the elance email system; and received the finished creation.  Voila!  What a beautiful baby!   Then, I send that, along with the manuscript, electronically of course, to Lightning Source, my printer.  In effect, step by step, I am doing for myself what the N.Y. Publishers do for their authors.  They use Lightning Source too, by the way.  In order for me to use them, I have to set up my own little publishing company, Hey Boomers Media, but more on that another time.


Friday, June 6th, 2008

Downtime!  Whether you’re on the road or at home, you have your favorite ways of filling time.  Mine are often reading or writing, and some fair amount of that is done on computer, nowadays.  Don’t watch much TV and don’t own a cell phone, so that free’s up more time for books, journals, and computers, in and around life’s demands.  The reason I bring this up, is that this solitary habit has made a writer out of me and I wouldn’t be surprised if that might be true of many of you in this BootsnAll community, because the lives you lead are “out there,” and interesting things surround you.  Perhaps, like me, you’ve learned a lot about human nature and you have philosophical thoughts about life in general.  But, where does one go with all that?  Mostly, I think, we store it away; either in memory or forgotten journals in the attic and we go on with daily living.  Sometimes, though, it explodes into a created work.  Now what? 

Well, aforetimes, if we couldn’t cajole a N.Y. agent or publisher to give us a break….and statistics are against us…..then, we had to either stuff it or rely upon a vanity press to take heaps of money in return for a garageful of books, which we then had to distribute, and usually didn’t.  Publishing had a built-in monoply.  But, not any more!  The digital age has literally made it possible for an ordinary Joe to publish a book, without a whole lot of money, and even get it out to the public.  If it’s dull or poorly written, it won’t get very far; but if it’s good, it has a fairly equal chance to fly.  Since blogs are supposed to be about one’s daily life, and since this is what fills mine at the moment, I’m going to share with you the pitfalls, pratfalls, and maybe the victory, of walking myself through the unknown country of Print On Demand Publishing, or POD.  Even if you can’t imagine needing this knowledge right now, perhaps someday you will……or maybe a buddy, whom you haven’t even met yet, will plant an exuberant kiss on your forehead for showing him the way to Writer’s Paradise!

Travel On My Mind

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

These days, I’m not on the road, so life is predictable, in familiar surroundings.  But, I have the good fortune to have wangled things so that I’m working with the concept of travel almost 24/7.   The process of writing a book has required long hours of digesting, editing, and re-writing the ten travel journals I filled during my year RTW; and now, I’m going through the copy-editing, cover design, and promotion planning.  It all keeps me rehashing my whole travel philosophy and getting it down on paper.  Not only the quirky episodes that solo travel always provides, but the attitudes it creates.  I don’t want to go through all this for just any old dull travel diary and hope I can pull this off.  So, while most of you guys are out there, eating lobster on some gorgeous seacoast, I’ll be learning about POD publishing and sharing it with you here.  Who knows, one day you might want to become an author and this will be your introduction to the brand new, and very democratic, field of self-publishing.  Your book can also get on!  So, fill those journals as well as your blog sites.

Hello World Traveller!

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

Welcome to BootsnAll Travel Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!