Vang Vieng – what should you do with your old car tyre tubes?
Saturday, January 6th, 2007It’s taken me five years to reach this point. I can remember (barely) a particularly debaucherous party at a uni mates house at the beginning of my second year. In the morning i sat chatting to a friend called Martha who has seemingly been everywhere possible to travel. She told a me a tale of a particular river pursuit in Laos and i never forgot it.
I’ve wanted to ‘tube’ ever since and Vang Vieng was the place to do it. The whole morning i acted as if i constantly needed the loo, i was just so excited.
Tubing is the most fun you can have with the inner tube of a car tyre which is certainly saying something – some of my best childhood memories involved car tubes!
The rest of this post can be found at the following page on my new blog – Vang Vieng