BootsnAll Travel Network

Ripped Off on the Night Bus – Bangkok, Thailand

I was so sleepy and the seats on this particular night bus were so cosy. The blankets were fluffy and I had two seats all to myself, so I spread out. I threw my bag on the floor since no one was in the seats around me. I slept well that night. Too bad Erika and I were both missing credit cards and cash the next day (and my new favorite bubblegum pink beach towel – the nerve).

This is the kind of lesson that needs to be learned each time. I don’t know how many times I’ve been told to keep my bag on my lap and squeeze it to my chest as I sleep on the bus. But this bus felt safe. It had a big painting of The Hulk done in professional airbrush on the side of it with plush curtains and friendly staff. But by the next day at least one person on that friendly staff charged over 2,000 dollars on Erika’s credit card. She’s protected against theft, so she’ll be alright but damn. They were sneaky enough to move things around in our wallets, taking only one card and some cash and when we ran into some other people from the same bus, the same thing happened to them. Even our luggage in the lower compartment had been searched through. We were lucky to notice it early on and we were lucky not to lose our passports and other things.

So again, to those who might want to put their bags on the floor just that one time in that really nice snazzy-looking bus, don’t do it. Take your bag in your arms like a long lost lover and hug it all night long.

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5 Responses to “Ripped Off on the Night Bus – Bangkok, Thailand”

  1. momma Says:

    Did you report the theft to the police? Just wondering…if theft is a regular part of this bus ride, maybe the police would like to know.

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. cyrilo Says:

    I have a dream, become your backpack! Good story!

  4. Posted from France France
  5. Cousin Tom Says:

    From my year I spent over there, I’d say the police already know. Probably running the racket!

    Carried our wallets in our front pants pocket. The myriads of street kids were very adept at using razors on a back pocket, where a wallet would slip out and you wouldn’t even feel it.

    We always traveled in threes and always watched each others backs. Always wary and never trusting anyone, no matter how big a grin they gave us, we never had a problem.

    The military was very good at briefing us about how to stay out of trouble.

  6. Posted from United States United States
  7. admin Says:

    Haha, I bet they are in on it! It sure feels like everyone is trying to rip you off. All the time. Whether it’s just giving you a high price or going through your bag on the bus while you sleep.

    I definately don’t trust anyone here. Nobody. It’s frustrating because some people are genuinely kind and it’s impossible to tell the difference because others play the part well, smiling and joking with you while they take your money.

  8. Posted from Australia Australia
  9. Hoteles Bangkok Says:

    Thanks  for posting this good article.  I wish Bangkok Thailand remains  peaceful. I really like this country and the Thai people.

  10. Posted from Taiwan Taiwan

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