tim tams and lost time
I have a new addiction: Tim Tams. I was told by many people before I left about how wonderfully delicious they were, so I held off on trying them. My sweet tooth has won, and at my last grocery shopping experience, I picked up a box of Chewy Caramel Tim Tams. As soon as I got back to the hostel, I opened the box. I pulled two out (who was I kidding?) and put them on my plate, along with my PBJ (blackberry jam is the closest I can find to grape) and apple. I took a bite and I instantly had goosebumps in my mouth! It’s a simple cookie-biscuit if you’re in Australia, and probably most other places in the world-a chocolate coating that melts a bit on your fingers, a plainish cookie/wafter inside and a gooey caramel inside between the inside cookies. It’s heaven in a cookie! There are other flavors, but I have yet to try them. I have heard a rumor that they sell Tim Tams in Target back home, but they’re not the same.
For those of you who have worked with me, you know that I’m rarely ever late to work. It’s almost safe enough to say that I’m never late. I’m also a clock-watcher. If you tell me you’ll meet me at a designated time, I’ll be early. I’m never late, and if it’s looking like I might be, I get anxious. One boring way to describe me is punctual.
Well…until now. I misplaced my watch yesterday somewhere between the beach, some shops, and a shady spot under a tree. I’m not as worried as I thought I would be. I’m more concerned about my wrist feeling naked without it on. Time doesn’t matter when you’re on holiday, right? I do have planes to catch and I anticipate some early mornings, but a watch? A constant reminder of time slipping away into a past that doesn’t matter anymore? A constant reminder of what is yet to come? Why does this need to be defined by a number? Before I get all philosophical (or as Emily says that I think too much), I’ll stop.
But I’m embracing not knowing what time it is with open arms. It’s a new Laura, a Laura not restricted by time. It goes with my new “laid back lifestyle”, as Hilary called it. =)
Tags: Australia
new laura? i dont like it! haha butttttttt maybeeeeee not caring what time it is will lead to other things…like you not being described as up tight… cant believe it/cant wait!!!
love you….see you soonish!
who needs a watch? that’s what clocks are for! now you’re relaxing…
i’m going to have to look for these inferior tim tams. and maybe get some beets.
You must post a new entry for every new Tim Tams flavor you try, including Mocha, Double Coat, Chilli Chocolate, Classic Dark Chocolate, Black Forest Fantasy, Creamy Truffle Temptation, and Choc Orange.