BootsnAll Travel Network

Just one of the boys…

After school I walked around campus and ran into Jeng and 4 of his friends.  We took a walk through the woods and pointed things out…I taught them in English and them in Thai.  Buffalo- quai, chicken- guy, this continued until it started pouring down rain.  We quickly ran for cover to an abandoned building.  For an hour we played games…I taught them a few and they taught me.  They even knew one potato, two potato…but in Thai.  It made me realize that where ever you are and whatever language you speak…all kids are te same at heart.  They love to play games and have fun.  And deep inside I think I will always be a kid…

I’ve also met and have grown very fond of my neighbor Audamaupan.  She is the Thai language teacher. She is older and very funny.  I think I will learn a lot from her.  She brings me bananas everyday from the tree in her yard.

 Finally, I’ve begun teaching classes.  The children seem happy to be in class and the ones that usually skip are attending my classes.  We’ll see how long that lasts.  The children are great though and many of them are shy, but eager to learn.  I taught them how to shake hands the other day and they thought it was the funniest thing.  Now all they want to do is shake my hand:)

 many hugs and kisses abroad.  missing many of the comforts from home, but I’m realizing that most of them are not needed.  Thinking about you all and I truely appreciate all the comments.

ps happy halloween! celebrate and have fun for me:)


7 responses to “Just one of the boys…”

  1. Ally says:

    Your neighbor looks so nice!! And those bananas look very tasty!! How are the spiders over there? I hope not massive like the aussie ones!
    Ps- I love reading your blog!

  2. uncle pete says:

    happy belated halloween to kimmie,too! here it is already november 4th and unseasonably warm here in ohio-suits me fine! getting much needed outside jobs done before it gets cold and snowy. repairs on old house coming along ok.
    are the kids you teach all different ages, kimmie? did you tell them about the halloween custom we celebrate? and do they have anything similar or unusual that they celebrate? do they celebrate their birthdays there? sounds like you have made many new friends there. keep up the posts whenever you have time and access to do so-interesting reading for us.

  3. Aunt Cristina says:

    Hi Kim,

    I have been reading your blog and it sound like such a great experience!! So many new things to open your eyes and heart to. As Jessica said, “I’m jealous!!” I’ll be looking at your pictures tonight when I get home from work. And I’m going to forward your email to Amy, William and Andrew so they can read all about your adventures. Stay healthy and keep enjoying your time there.


    Aunt Cristina

  4. amy says:


    sounds like you’re having a fantastic adventure in thailand! i can’t believe how ballsy you are to go off and do that all alone… i shared some of your blog entries with people i work with, and they’re all duly impressed. you’re amazing and you’re doing wonderful things! all of your posts seem like scenes from a really awesome movie 🙂

    post more about your kiddos! and where are you posting pics?


    your favorite cousin

  5. mom says:

    Wow- even your little walks sound like adventures! We’re anxiously awaiting election results – some people waited 6-8 hrs. in line to vote! I only had one other person in line when I went! You’ll be happy to know gas is down to $1.95 – can you believe it? I’m glad you’re keeping the kids in school – you’d be a fun teacher to have. Keep up the good work. love you always, mom

  6. Kim says:

    thanks uncle pete for all your comments! I am glad you are interested in everything going on here. I will try to keep thigns fun and up to date. It is hot and humid daily here so I cannot imagine the Ohio weather. stay warm and keep in touch!

  7. uncle pete says:

    you’re welcome, kimmiejean.
    speaking of updates…!? looks like you’re starting to get a lot more hits, and comments left! super.
    now that you’re settled in a bit, tell us more about your daily grind and your students. do the truants show up to your classes now? has the novelty of handshaking worn off yet? what other reactions have your western ways elicited from your charges and staff? and vice-versa? we crave new ‘stuff’
    ohio weather has become more wintery as of late-cold, and snow, even! finally lit my furnace yesterday. don’t relish the thought of the coming monthly gas bills!
    you’ll see, whenever you stop galavanting all over the world. unless, you decide to forego ‘regular life’, or become a ‘professional student’, like a cousin whose name i won’t mention!
    gotta get off the pc and get some work done before the whole day is wasted! keep up the great work you’re doing over there. itz citizen representatives like yourself that put the U.S. a better light then the politicians do!

    love always,

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