BootsnAll Travel Network


Today I met Jeng. He is a student who helped me clean up my room and put pictures up.  He is very interested in the United States and probably knows more than many secondary students know in the states.  The reason I write about him is because he sang the national anthem with me.  Ofcourse, he did not know the words perfectly, but he knows the sound of them and sang the entire thing.  We also drew a map together and labeled the states he knew.  He does not know a lot of English, but he tries to talk to me whenever he can.  Singing with him today touched me.  aw…i know dont cry…


5 responses to “Jeng”

  1. uncle pete says:

    how did YOU do with labeling the states,kimmy?

  2. Jessica says:

    i get so excited for the Blog every day! sounds like that student’s going to be interested in learning alot from you! send more pictures – i’m craving them!!

  3. uncle pete says:

    i’m with jess! just looked at your pics and saw new ones up since your first ones. i just wrote your gramma a long email describing how to look at your pics and leave comments, so maybe you’ll see something from her sometime! i think she has sent you emails, too!
    what an experience all this must be for you! so exciting! i’m so looking forward to hearing about all [well, most of, anyway, your experiences], and seeing pictures you don’t get posted, when your ‘tour’ is over!


  4. grandma says:

    Kimmy–I hope I have this figured out…love you, miss you. It’s GREAT to read your blog and see the pictures. What an adventure. Am writing a letter.

  5. mom says:

    Hi, Kimmie,
    I also look forward to your entries each day…the Thai people are lovely, especially the children. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us (good, bad, funny, and sad).

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