BootsnAll Travel Network

Almost 2 months

It’s almost two months until I leave and I have yet to purchase a airplane ticket. That is seriously messed up.

And tell me, why is it so freaking difficult to get a loan? Although I feel so gluttonous for taking out $7500, like I’m living high-on-the-hog, even though monthly expenses for daily living is going to be about $1,000/m (I have no idea either why that even comes close to that expensive). The rest of the money is going towards my easter vacation to Italy and Greece and any other travel I decide to do whilst I’m there and then towards buying a digi cam, a backpack/luggage, new clothing, travel accessories etc. So I’ll be lucky if I’m not strapped for cash while I’m there 🙁 It just seriously makes me feel bad like I’m being greedy. I hate that.

I really am lucky to have this opportunity…and to even have the chance to take out money to go travel the world when so many other people can’t even get enough money to feed their families. That’s something I need to remember, and to write about while I’m there.


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