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Puerto Viejo

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

So as much as I would like to update this blog more often, it turns out that I don´t actually want to spend my time online, go figure.  Today is day 10 and we just arrived back in San Jose (its pretty much the central place for all transport).  We´ve spent the last few days sleeping in hammocks in the awesome little surf town of Puerto Viejo.  there´s basically 1 road, totally walkable to get to everything, and the ¨Pura Vida¨philosophy of Costa Rica is abundant.  We finally found out what that really means

The highlight of thetrip so far was going to this animal orphanage, where a couple locals are doing amazing things to save endangered and injured animals.  I can´t go into too much but let me just say MONKEYS WERE CRAWLING ALL OVER ME.  And it was amazing.

Long bus rides with hills and waterfalls, community living in open air with the chillest people in the world, pinto gallo, pipas, free bananas, bike rides, beaches, surfers,crabs, hammocks, hammocks , hammocks, monkeys, sloths, tree frogs, awesomeness

Would love to write more but internet cafes are pricey

Love you all and miss you, every night I still dream that I´m there, then I wake up here.  Its a nice balance

Hostels, Buses, and RAIN

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

We made it!  We finally got here after a very heavy hearted goodbye to Sarasota.  The stress of leaving has been lifted and I couldn´t feel more amazing.  Flying in the hills through the airplane window were breathtaking, and when we first stepped off the plane the first thing we saw was a Church´s Chicken (talk about being dissillusioned.)  We somehow managed to get on the correct bus, but forgot an important part about San Jose: No Street signs.  But being thrown into a situation sort of abrubtly, with all expectations we had completely different once we´re here, I really wouldn´t have it any other way.  Anyway, we made some friends immediately, and they helped us find our way to the hostel, as well as the Cambiar, and once we got here it was an instant feeling of comfort and I knew we found the right place

This place is awesome, $1 beers, free internet, comfy beds with super cool roomies…The list continues….. I have to say that anyone who thought they shouldn´t come meet me here, you are MISSING OUT.  It´s totally cheap and I already know this is going to be the best thing I´ve ever done for myself….

I´ll write again when I get over the initial shock, and have something more profound to say than “Awesome! Amazing! Super Cool!”