BootsnAll Travel Network

The Lonely Traveler

Well, It’s been over a month since I’ve lost my travelling partner, and I must say it is vastly different to travel by yourself.  Even though this experience has changed the core of my being, traveling alone is hard, and can be very lonely despite all the wonderful people I’ve met along the way.

The problem is you meet plenty of people, create an awesome connection, and then part ways within a day or 2, maybe a couple of weeks if your lucky.  That’s the plight of the traveler: you’re always moving on.  Or if you’re not then the travelers you meet are, either way it has become quite a bummer having “goodbye” be a much more frequent occurance in my vocabulary than ever before.  But when you spend so much time with yourself, and have to rely on yourself for everything, you definitely get a new perspective on life and learn things you may not have expected.  I, for example, have learned how fortunate I have been at all points in my life that I’ve had someone else around to share experiences with.  It’s one of those things we take for granted, something that I won’t take for granted ever again (and hot showers, that one will last a lifetime).

And I miss Bama so much it hurts to even type this sentence.  She was there through every sickness and freak out I’ve ever had in my adult life, and I wish she could be here with me, she would love it.  There was a homeless guy in Sydney I passed by every day and he had a Brindle Pit-bull who was always right by his side, usually laying in his lap.  I would think about how that guy had more of a home than I did at the moment, he had his best friend with him always at his side.

Anyway, don’t get me wrong, this has been the most amazing experience of my life so far, and I’m taking every experience back with me ready to conquer New York!  I just never thought I would be homesick, which is actually a good thing to realize, it feels really good to know that I have people I love to come home to and that I’m actually excited to be coming back.  3 more weeks in the most beautiful place I’ve ever been in my entire life… guess I should stop focusing on lonliness and go absorb mountains, rivers, lakes, glaciers, and SHEEP!


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