Day 9: Lower Vancouver Island
After spending a few days in Victoria, I headed north up Vancouver Island. My cousins from Oakland, California were vacationing across the Georgia Strait on the “Sunshine Coast”, approximately 2 hours north of Vancouver. So they took a ferry across and we met up for a day of mild hiking, exploring some small towns, and enjoying a meal at the oldest licensed pub in British Columbia.
Canadian nice gesture of the day: Before I met up with my cousins, I met a brother and sister vacationing when I was stopped in Qualicum Beach, BC. We got to talking and I explained I was on a 3 month trip across the country and before we went upon our day, the sister (Deborah) offered a place for me to crash when I come through Calgary. So nice! It set the tone for a great day.
After I dropped my cousins off at the ferry, I headed to Comox, where I was staying for the evening. Once I got in, I grabbed my tripod and walked down to the marina area and spent a few hours taking photographs of the beautiful sunset.
Tags: Destination, Travel