Soups, Spiders and Scary Insects
The three S’s. I came to the conclusion that these are my biggest fears going into my trip. Not getting mugged in some urban ghetto. Not getting lost and having to ask for direction. Not death. Not lions, tigers or boars. Not volcanic eruptions, earthquakes or terrorism.
Soups may sound silly but I think out of all the different kinds of foods i’ll come across during my travels soups scare me the most. I’ll always remember the night we ordered lobster bisque from Bernini’s in Ybor. It was terrible. I really don’t like soupy meals dinvr I don’t know what kind of meat i’m being served or what else might be in there. I know it sounds silly but i’ll just try to avoid it as much as possible. However, it seems like a lot of Asian cuisine consists of just that.
Spiders and other scary insects are just going to be a reality I have to face. I remember while in the Sahara traveling on Camel there was a strange fly that landed on the saddle. It was black with a bright orange band. I had no idea what it was and still don’t but it instantly reminded me that I’m no longer going to be familiar with the things I see here at home. Florida has its share of bugs but I always have a pretty good idea what i’m looking at when I see them. I’m not afraid of snakes but I have had a lot of snake bite dreams lately. Luckily with snakes, I know the different species and should be able to point out the bad ones. Spiders are the worst of the bunch since I have absolutely NO idea how to tell which ones are poisonous and which ones are perfectly safe. My plan with spiders is to just look the other way. Even if i’m in bed, i’ll just have to pull the covers over and wait for the morning. I assume hundreds of spiders have already crawled in and out mouth plenty of times in my life so why worry about it now?
Point of this post is to show the utter lack of actual fears going into this. I mean, sure there have been nights lately where I have freaked out a bit over why the hell i’m going to put myself through prolonged discomfort but overall I feel pretty confident.
We’ll see how long the confidence lasts.
Tags: Pre-Trip
I love soups, but I can def. understand the ‘mystery’ about their contents, and I def. think you are going to find some interesting things in Asia/Indonesia. heh. As far as the buggies go – good luck!
dood.. you’re going to asia. you’re gonna have to get used to eating food with stuff in it of unknown origin! trust me, i’d know. ;P