Malaysia & Singapore Review
Best Experience: Dancing to good house music at the Good Vibrations show in Singapore.
Worst Experience: Getting sick my last day in Singapore.
Best Acommodation: Red Dragon Hostel in Kuala Lumpur.
Worst Accomodation: Anuja Guest House in Kuala Lumpur.
Best Food: The laksa soup.
Worst Food: The meat inside the laksa soup.
Scariest Moment: Shawn’s broken toe. I was worried, what can I say.
Best Scenery: North of Penang heading towards Thailand with rock cliffs and blue water.
Tags: Country Surveys, kuala lumpur, malaysia, penang, singapore
Glad to see you’re still having a good time Joey. How are you recovering from your injuries (me and the guys had a good laugh at your expense when I filled them in on your little bike accident, my bad bro)? I see you’ve been playing pool too with the local ladies. Good stuff, but its definitely not a replacement for ping pong. I guess you have to make due though.