Cambodia Review
Best Experience: Exploring Ta Prohm and other interesting temples at Angkor.
Worst Experience: Getting tricked into watching a fund raising movie when it was supposed to be a cello concert.
Best Accommodation: Red Lodge Hotel
Worst Accommodation: n/a
Best Food: I didn’t try Khmer food unfortunately, I was not there long enough. In Siem Reap there are a lot of good western restaurants and especially English. I had decent mashed potatoes.
Worst Food: Buffalo wings.
Scariest Moment: At night I felt a little unsafe walking Siem Reap by myself but overall it was never too bad.
Best Scenery: Cambodia isn’t really known for its stunning scenery but the jungles around the temples of Angkor were really interesting.
Tags: angkor, Cambodia, Country Surveys, review, siem reap, wat
strange you felt unsafe walking around in SiemReap … I was there by myself and felt totally safe including at night….ohh and Im a girl 😛