BootsnAll Travel Network

Beware the beginnings, the ides, and the ends of March

(…continued from previous post)

Around 9pm all hell broke lose. I really want to spare details because it seems like for the last month I have had 10 bad things to talk about for every 1 or 2 good experiences. I promise that March will be the last of it. At least I hope. I spent the last 3 days hotel bound and trying to rehydrate myself from the worse case of the big “D” I have ever encounter I haven’t even been able to see Marisa and I wasn’t able to get on the bus to Burma to renew my visa. I am now going on my 29th allowable day in Thailand. If I don’t leave tomorrow I will suffer a 500 baht per day fine from the government for overstaying my visa. I am not sure where it came from but 24/48 hours prior I had some suspect deep fried prawns and minced pork.

Simply put… March has been rough. The beginning had me crippled from a motorcycle accident, the middle had me choked with pollution and the end now has me battling with food poisoning. April can NOT come soon enough. Don’t worry about me though. This was all part of the plan from the beginning. Challenges, obstacles and new experiences. Some of you may wonder why the hell I would pay all this money to travel around the world if so many things can go wrong. Well, you just have to experience it to understand. It is like the ancient Buddhist adage, “bad pizza is still pizza”. Well, I may be sick a lot and I may be in pain but I’m still traveling and seeing new things.

Again, April WILL be better. So much better that I already have exciting news. Since I have to be out of the country tomorrow I have no time to do a land crossing into Burma so that means I must fly somewhere. I could fly to Laos or Cambodia but I already plan on visiting both countries before I leave so that left me with a few choices. I decided on Hong Kong. Tonight I catch an overnight bus to Bangkok and then fly to Hong Kong at 2pm tomorrow. I will spend the weekend there and then return to Bangkok on Tuesday the April 2nd with a renewed 30 day Thai visa giving me enough time to visit the south again and enjoy some beaches. Hong Kong was one of the destinations I originally planned to go but then scratched off as too expensive; however, now I have to fly somewhere so if I am going to spend the money on a flight it might as well be somewhere that I wouldn’t be able to make it overland to.

Be prepared for some killer skyscraper photos.

So, see you in China!!!!

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-1 responses to “Beware the beginnings, the ides, and the ends of March”

  1. marie says:

    joey thats awesome your going to CHina!! i love reading about your adventures…even the bad ones! keep living and having fun! miss you lots…marie

  2. RIGA says:


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