BootsnAll Travel Network

The adventure home (for the “german” delegation)

Going Home.jpgWell, the adventure doesn’t stop.  We enjoyed the last morning in PE, having a relaxed breakfast on the veranda overlooking the ocean, then headed on our way.  Leg 1 of the trip was easy and we successfully found Jill at Joberg airport.  The wait was eaten up by logistical activities and – of course – last minute shopping. The Africans in tow (okay, I guess I can finally let on that the Zimbabwean is a 1m Giraffe and Kami is Jill’s 1.5m Giraffe), we toured the shops and then bid our farewells at Jill’s gate.  Kevin and I were so sad to say goodbye to our adventure companion!  We then boarded our plane – totally full so I didn’t get much sleep (Kevin again taking over my seat to lay down). We wuffered a delay and then a 20 minute wait in Paris for a parking space (for crying out loud!).  Missed the connecting flight and had to wait again – turning the total trip into about 28 hours of travel. I am feeling really bad for Jill right about now, who is probably still on the road.  Also the security in Paris is ridiculous and made us check our Zimbabwe friend (as we’re boarding the flight, we get sent away to run back upstairs to check in and try to make it back in time to get on the plane – now why couldn’t they have let us know at an earlier point in the 4 hours we sat around?).  So Lucy – as Kevin has now insisted she be called – has ended up with a broken horn, compliments of security / baggage handlers. 🙁

but: we are home, the adventures were great (mostly), and I will now start working through photos and getting some posted soon! Thanks all for joining in the fun.


One response to “The adventure home (for the “german” delegation)”

  1. sista #1, left behind! says:

    What? Did they think the Giraffe was carrying? I would make them pay for that! That stinks. Can you reattach the horn with super glue, or is it still somewhere on the plane? Glad you FIANLLY made it home, in one piece (well, at least you and Kev!) Now you need a vacation from your vacation! FedEX just left, so now I will spend the rest of the afternoon trying to hook up my new “toy” (HP computer!). Then Rob will get home and really get it all hooked up! 🙂 So, can you send me an e-mial, with this blog attached, so I will have your e-mail and the blog on the new computer???? Thanks, I’m just such a dork! Awesome that you guys packed soooo much in, I’m really sad I missed out (except for the bungy!!!) Good night! Jules

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