I made it home, too!!
Thursday, April 13th, 2006Actually, a couple of days ago. But after the 30 hour voyage, I needed some recovery time. My giraffe fortunately made it home unscathed and looked a lot better for the wear than myself by the time we reached Portland. Long story short: 3 planes, 2 long lay-overs, 6 movies, 4 Bloody Marys, 3 security checks, 1 secondary inspection for the giraffe, a lot of strange looks (because of the giraffe), and a long drive with the worst migraine I’ve had in awhile (maybe a bad idea on the bloody marys), and I was home.
Nice to be home, but I miss Africa already!! What a spectacular adventure! And I’m already planning the next one, just so I can keep blogging!
Oh yeah, and I did finally make it back to work!