BootsnAll Travel Network

Stuck in Jersey

Well, after a long day, I missed my last flight out of Newark!! Fortunately, I got a ticket for tomorrow, and since the airline guy liked my last name, I got a hotel voucher, even though they said they wouldn’t be giving them out!! Almost got in trouble with security when I tried to rummage through my suitcases and then leave them again. Now I just have a minute left online, I only had a dollar. Maybe I’ll go take a bath. Nothing like starting the vacation in Newark!!


One response to “Stuck in Jersey”

  1. sista #1, left behind! says:

    Only have a dollar! What happened to the $200??? How did you miss your flight? You don’t give enough information on your blog! 🙂 Is this going to mess up your train ticket??? Are you for sure booked for tomorrow? Or will you have the same spring break problems there? How do those people on Amazing race always make their flights? Well, I’ll check on you tomorrow, good luck. At least you have time for the D.O. for the long trip, right?


  2. admin says:

    You’ll all be relieved to know I did finally get some deodorant. 21B didn’t know how lucky he was!! That might be because I was complaining the whole flight when they kept screwing up the movie programming!!! You know how I am about movies… And apparently playing them on planes is quite the technological challenge. It’s bad enough that there is no chance of a buffer seat on those overbooked flights…

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