BootsnAll Travel Network

A day in the bush

Well, we survived the first night with the spiders. However, Jaimi woke up with a sore throat, so we assume the worst. 🙁 On a brighter note, we had perfect game drive weather and enjoyed many fantastic animal sightings. We were all thrilled, though it’s hard to tell if Kevin was more enchanted by the game or by the open Landrover. Or, it could have been the binoculars: even though he had no clue how to focus them, he wouldn’t surrender them for more than 5 seconds during the entire 2 hour drive!

Fitting that he had binoculars attached to his face, considering he volunteered himself as guide #2 – gamely telling Jill at full volume when she picked the wrong road, explaining to us that there is a girl and boy rhino out in the field, and if we tried to pipe in with some bit of animal information, shortly stating “I *know* that already.”

Our favorites were: cheetah, giraffe, warthogs (Jill anyway). We’ll add separately a viewing list so you can keep track with us – still no dik-diks, though (Marianne). And we’re still working on how to upload some photos. I have to say, at this rate it’s been hard enough just finding an internet connection (especially one that works). We are, after all, in Africa! 🙂

We concluded the day with our first foray into the world of braai – traditional African barbecue over a wood fire. Great fun – at least for Jill, who made the salad and laughed at Jaimi sputtering in the smoke during attempt 4 to keep the fire alive! Kevin was a great help, scouring the camp for sticks to use as kindling (with the one exception that we might have heard a black-backed Jackal nosing around, so maybe we shouldn’t have let him go under the barricade fence…). Fortunately, the meat was edible (come on Jill – it was GOOD!) And we had another good dinner and killed another bottle of wine.

The spider’s seemed to have made themselves scarce, so we got a better night’s rest, save the not entirely comfy cabin beds. (But I’ll take hard beds, no spiders any day!!) And…despite the afternoon scare of wild jungle fever on Jaimi’s part, that seems to be gone for good now, as well.

Wildlife: 0
Intrepid travellers: 1

So far, so good…


One response to “A day in the bush”

  1. David says:

    So glad everything is going so great! I love being able to read all these, makes me feel like I’m right alongside. I’ve been wondering though, what do the spiders taste like?

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