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Friday, April 14th, 2006

There comes a time in every budding traveler’s life when one must take note of all those pesky possesions that have acculminated over a certain period and make those deciscions of what will be saved and what must be gifted, or thown away.

The time is NOW!

I must admit it feels really good to condense all the “things” and have only a few possesions left. The only things I cannot bear to get rid of are my journals I have kept for the past ten years, and they will continue to follow me for as long as I can carry those suckers around. I also have saved two pottery wheels that were gifted to me not too long ago, (Thanks Matt!)

Everything else is gone!

My folks were so kind as to help me haul my things back to Ohio. Where they will be safe and sound for my return.. When is that you ask?! That has yet to be decided. I am flying to France on a One-Way ticket and I am toying with the idea of heading East from there when my apprentiship is over.

But for anyone who knows me, knows anything I say will be the complete opposite of what will happen, So I will wait for the universe to decide.

In the meantime I leave in 6 days


A Bientot!


Final Countdown

Tuesday, April 11th, 2006

  Only nine days left until I leave this fine city of Chicago and head off across the Atlantic to begin a long stay at a Poterie in a tiny town located in central France.  St. Civran.   Oh, and don’t try to find it on the map.  It doesn’t exist.  At least  on maps anyway… 

  Kozy’s, my former job of six years is just a fading  memory now.   It feels so good to go walking around the city watching the signs of spring explode around me and not feel guilty or rushed and being out in pure daylight!  Ah the thrills of the unemployed! 

  My only job now is to cram as much as French as possible, cook good dinners for my soon to be long-distance boyfriend, reduce my belongings to a 6ft by 6ft container  and last but not least unload as much pottery as possible to my unsuspecting friends.   

  I am so stoked, more soon mes amies.