BootsnAll Travel Network

Malaysian Nature

In Sepilok, about 6 hours by bus from Sabah’s capital KK, is the world reknowned Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre. Spread over a huge area of Borneo forest, it provided a protected, natural environment for displaced (through deforestation) and rescued (from captivity) orang utans.

Orangs 3

There are varying opinions on whether the public should be allowed in to see the animals, but what you are able to see and visit is quite resticted. There are feeding stations dotted about the reserve and ‘Station 1’ nearest to the visitors centre is the only one you are allowed to see. The others are further out into the forest, the idea being that the Orang Utans are slowly weaned away from total human contact and are able to fend for themselves in the jungle.

Orangs 2 Orangs Waiting to be fed.

We went early in the morning as our jungle trek took off in the afternoon. The centre has a video room and a shop and not much else in the way of information. You are warned not to take anything detrimental to the animals, such as insect repellant, into the reserve. There is a designated wooden walking platform that leads you round to the the first feeding station.

The feeding times are 10am and 3pm so to turn up then will probably allow you to see a handful of orangs coming for their milk and banana fix.

monkeys dsc_3569.jpg

As we were waiting for our lift back from the centre, a large family of monkeys descended on the car park and proceeded to route around in the bins for food.

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One response to “Malaysian Nature”

  1. Adam says:

    cool pictures! And I just wanted to say your blogs name is fantastic.

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