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Archive for October, 2008

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Nothing to do but lie on the beach

Saturday, October 25th, 2008

A week into Borneo and I was annoyed at myself for feeling too ill and spending days asleep in hostel bedrooms wasn’t my idea of a good trip. Part of my plan had been to travel by bus or train up along the coast and go through Brunei, but having wasted time feeling sorry for myself I decided to thank god for Airasia and their budget flights.

When I got to Kota Kinabalu in Sabah I was feeling much better and psyched myself into wellness by booking a trip to Uncle Tan’s Wildlife camp in the Kinabatangan Valley.

Before that though, I spent a good couple of days just relaxing in KK and heading out to an island in the Abdul Rahman national park, a small group of islands about 30 – 40 minutes offshore by speed boat. Never having been a beach bunny in the past, it still feels a bit weird to me to just go and lie on the beach doing nothing, but hey, it was better than lying in bed.

beach 2

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Malaysian Nature

Friday, October 24th, 2008

In Sepilok, about 6 hours by bus from Sabah’s capital KK, is the world reknowned Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre. Spread over a huge area of Borneo forest, it provided a protected, natural environment for displaced (through deforestation) and rescued (from captivity) orang utans.

Orangs 3

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Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

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