loas eventually!!
right i have actually left chang mai and thailand now. sorry for the lack of updates but im in a county with no ATM machines, no electricity and untill now no intenet…. yes im in loas. i headed north from chang mai up through chang rai and stayed the night in chang khong. here the really was nothing to do. i went for a walk at about 10 ish and got followed by a group of wild dogs so a policeman stopped and asked me if i was alright. this was quite odd as it was only dogs but that was probablly the highlight of his night there.
the next morning i headed across the 5 min ferry ride and turned up at houy xia in loas. again a very quiet place so decided to get the boat straight away. unfortunatly i had missed the boats for that day so booked my self in to a guest house that cost me 30000 kip. that is actually only a 120 baht but it seems loads . i am now a millionaire!!!!!!!! changing your money here you get piles about 7cm high of money. your wallets dont close and you feel like you are walking round with loads on you. im still ahving to translate eveything back to baht in my head though.
the next day i got up early and headed down to the slow boat.
these trip took 2 days on a bloody uncomfortable boat but was defiently bertter than the fast power boat option.
after the first day we stopped at a tiny little place called pakbeng. a random little village thats whole life i think is people staying there for one night on the boat trip. but meet up with a group of guys that i had meet in chang mai before so went out and had dinner with them. the stranges thing about it was the were kids about 10 years old trying to sell opium, weed, and cocaine. it was quite scary. all the electricity for the whole town went of a 10 o’clock. so we had to use candle light to check for the massive lizard that we had seen going into my room it had to be a foot and a half long. we could hear it but not see it. i decided it was more scared of me though so went to bed
the next day the two boats that had taken us this far down returned back and everyone from both boats had to get on to one tiny boat it waqs bloody crazy we were sat on a step by the loo next to the engine so wasnt the most comfortable thing ever.
the veiws going down the river were amazing dramatic cliffs, jungle , and rock formations.
defiently going slowly down the river was the best idea so we could appreciate all this. but we are here in lang probang now and just been having a look round. i have just been told the are no ATMs in the whole of loas so i had to change up the us dollars i had with me and hopefully ill be able to sort something out( mum&dad i found the us dollars thank you for looking!X)
you will have loas photos soon. xxx
Tags: Travel
You’ve got mail dahling!!!!!!
when i got there is was 14000 kip[ to the pond so i had over a million when i changed up all my cash, as you could only use c cards in the capital but the next day the economy collapsed which was v v v v lucky i had changed up so much
love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx