BootsnAll Travel Network

It seemed like a good idea at the time

Before we left Australia we found an interesting article on the web, about a walking tour of Ho Chi Minh City. It sounded fascinating and since taxi’s and even cyclo’s are relatively expensive we decided to venture out into the traffic and mayhem of the side walks (yes i do mean traffic ON side walk as well) and burn off some of the calories we had for breakfast.

It was a warm morning but not too prohibitive, and the guide book assured us it was an easy stroll.

Fighting the sea of traffic at every crossing, especially navigating the round-about where cars and bikes just mingle into each other from every direction, we headed off to see the sights.

We braved walking into the middle of the mass of bikes and cars, several times, embracing the constant horn honking and smog and intrusion of touts to visit the markets and the War museum.

We still had several sites to visit, but in the end I was too exhausted (and so were the boys) so we headed back to the hostel, defeated by the city!!! Wondering how we will go in India??

Tomorrow we take a deep beath and do it all again. (Stephanie)

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