Just a quick post to tell you how grose it is here in Culcutta (it is like living in a gutter). Our room is only $20 per night and does have running water if you harrass the landlord about it, but it has very little else that is going for it.
The walls are covered in mould, the bathroom is grimy, the stair well smells of rubbish (because that is where they store it until garbage day) the halway is covered in grim…. like the Sydney harbour tunnel (if you can imagine that).
The city is full of smog – the kind that sticks in your throat. It really is an assault on the senses and I will be glad to be out of here. Jordan has said that he never wants to come back here, and is hoping that the rest of India is not like this (as we all are!!). Luke is taking it all in his stride, surprisingly.
So we are all feeling sorry for ourselves and just wanted you to know! Will write again when we are in a happier place!
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