BootsnAll Travel Network

Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh

We arrived in Ho chi Minh City tonight just before dinner. The Lonely Planet guide assured us that we would be able to take the local bus for the price of 3,500 Dong ($AU3.50). We asked and searched and walked and walked however we were told over and over again that they stop running after 5pm.

Having been warned about such scams we didn’t believe a thing they said. We went on searching for our bus and along the way collected a little group of other foreigners that were also searching for the elusive bus. Eventually, after asking several more nationals and receiving the same answer (that the buses don’t run this late in the day), we decided that a taxi was the best option.

We all crammed into a 8 seater taxi and shared the fare of 200,000 Dong, a price increase of approx ten times what we had planned to pay. Then to add insult to injury, I over tipped the driver in my confusion about all the zeros in this new currency. I meant to pay him 6,000 Dong and accidentally paid him 60,000 (I’m sure he was very happy but I felt very foolish).

 It was quite fun to be crammed into the back of the van, all full of excitement and sharing our travel stories. The traffic kept us laughing (and gasping/squealing) all the way into the city.

 We had read about the traffic in Vietnam in guidebooks and blogs, but nothing had really conveyed just how bizarre it is here. Cars, bikes and buses literally weave in around each other, constantly honking their horns. To turn across the traffic at the lights, it is like an orchestrated dancing horse parade, as the cars and bikes just drive straight for each other and vie for position to get in front of each other.

Once we found our hostel (Lin-Phung Guesthouse – Pham Ngu Lao St, a fantastic little place 5 stories high, run by a family that keep plying us with crispy Vietnamese snacks – yum), we went out to dinner and sat chuckling at the traffic some more. We saw little old granny’s riding bikes and giving other women rides on the back (one was so tiny it was hard to believe she was riding at all). We also saw men riding bikes and calling out to offer us a massage, as well as one woman pushing a scale and encouraging folks to weigh themselves for a fee.

 All and all it has been quite an adventurous day full of surprises.

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