10 ReAsoNs FoR LeArNinG sPaNisH
- Spanish language is the mother tongue of almost 350 million people, the second language in international importance, the official language in twenty one countries and an official language of the European Union, UNESCO, GATT, Mercosur and many other international organizations.
- Spanish is one of the most frequently used business language and Latin America is becoming a very important area for business.
- There are more than 30 million Spanish speakers in the United States of America. In 50 years, Spanish will be the spoken language in the homes of half of the American population.
- Speaking and understanding Spanish will improve your employment opportunities. Most companies would choose someone with Spanish language skills because it says something about you and your willingness to accept challenges beyond just meeting your high school or University language credit requirements.
- Speaking and understanding Spanish will deepen your knowledge of the latin culture.
- Learning Spanish provides deeper insights into regions that play a vital role in economic life and into its cultural history.
- In many regions, Spanish speakers account for the largest percentage of tourists.
- Learning Spanish means getting in touch with a language with a long cultural tradition; learning Spanish will allow you to step into the world of Cervantes, Gracilazo de la Vega, Adolfo Bequer, Picasso, Diego Velásquez, Antoni Gaudí, Granados and Spanish film directors such as Carlos Saura, Julio Medem and Pedro Almodóvar.
- Spanish is no harder to learn to speak and write than other languages.
- And in day-to-day living, whether you are travelling, working or simply surfing the Net, Spanish will open new opportunities for you.
Asi vemos, amiguitos, la gran suerte que tenemos de haber nacido en este sector austral del mundo y de hablar esta lengua naturalmente. 😛
Tags: Argentina, Language, MiSc, PrEviaJE, Spanish
amiguitoooooooos!!!! “adios amiguito”
demasiado exceso de juan, me siento abandonada, sobre todo porque andabas por capital hace instantes y ni te showeaste, horrible la actitud, y nada d no celular porque podias borrow el de juan, asi q no hay excusas para vos.
(todo bien con vos juanolololololon)