No, this isn’t going to be a blog about vampires. However, they could probably live pretty easily here in Spain. We are adjusting to the late hours that suit a nocturnal lifestyle. The bakery around the corner from our hotel doesn’t even open for breakfast until 10 AM. Lunch at 3 and dinner, well, let’s just say “later”.
We’ve been in Leon for a few days with a side trip to the Picos De Europa. The rocky peaks are beautiful and we went for a nice hike through the gorge at Cain. All that walking works up an appetite, so we’ve been exploring the tapas bars and restaurants. The tapas scene in Leon is slightly different than other places and it took us a couple of tries to learn the art of dining here. When you order a drink, you get a little plate of food for free. It’s generally some local specialty like chorizo, ham, cheese, or olives. Since the drinks are only about a Euro each, we thought we could eat pretty cheaply by stopping at a bunch of these places. After a few bars, we realized that the quantity of drinks was bigger than the quantity of food, and we would get drunk sooner than we would get full.
Anyway, we hope everyone enjoys their turkey dinner today… Happy Thanksgiving!