House of Pain
We arrived in Dunedin to some nicer weather and spent a few days taking in the local sights. The Otago peninsula provided a nice walk and good views, but the big atttraction for me in the city was Cadbury World. Some of you may know about my addiction to Crunchies. They are generally not available in the US, so whenever I’m in a “Commonwealth country,” I stock up on bags of them. Here I visited the mothership and took a tour of the factory, complete with lots of free samples. My chocolate cravings are satisfied for a while at least.
On another note, we’ve tried to attend a sporting event in each country. The obvious choice for NZ is rugby, and the Super 14 season is happening now. We got tickets to the Highlanders (Dunedin) vs. Crusaders (Christchurch) match on Saturday night. I can’t say that I understood everything that was happening, but it’s pretty easy to just follow the ball. The game was good, but the activities before were even more entertaining. This picture is not a Braveheart re-enactment – it’s the Highlander mascot doing his best to intimidate the opposing team. (Would have scared me.)
March 13th, 2009 at 2:21 pm
woah! Conan lives!
When you were in India, did take a few days off to watch a cricket match?
March 13th, 2009 at 5:31 pm
Would have loved to, but we were on too tight of a schedule there. Bummer, but at least we saw some cricket in Oz.