After a long day of traveling that took us through Jordan, we finally arrived in Cairo. Of course, the first thing we did was head out to the Pyramids. I’ve been amazed by them since before I can remember – even before I could read, I’d stare at the photos in my dad’s National Geographics. I think I’ve seen just about every History Channel or Discovery TV show ever made about them too.
The three at Giza are really impressive, so I wasn’t disappointed. It was incredible to stand next to the huge stone blocks and know that someone stood in the same spot and carved it 5000 years ago. It’s hard to think that anything we build today will be around 500 years from now, let alone thousands.
We also paid a little extra to go into the middle-sized one, the Pyramid of Khafre. It’s not for the claustrophobic. The tunnel is only about 3 feet high, so you have to bend down and sort of squat-walk about 200m into the main chamber. There seems to be very little oxygen inside, so it’s best to just take slow deep breaths and not think about the weight of the 2 million stones over your head.
We also stopped by to say hello to the Sphinx and spent this morning at Memphis and Saqqara seeing the Step Pyramid and some other tombs, all very old and fascinating.