A City of 16 Million
What I do say about Mumbai? It’s hard to put into words, but the first that comes to mind is “chaotic.” But that doesn’t really capture the essence of it. We didn’t originally intend to visit Bombay, aka Mumbai, but when we booked our RTW ticket, we found that the OneWorld airlines don’t fly directly to New Delhi. Since we had to stay over, we figured we might as well spend the time and check it out.
The city is huge and crowded. There are people literally everywhere. It’s strange and somewhat overwhelming, but interesting all the same. Among other things, we visited the Elephanta caves, a Jain temple, and a house where Ghandi stayed while doing some of his most important work (incredibly inspiring). Since the events of last fall, security has been stepped up and guards are highly visible outside many of the hotels and restaurants.
I think it will take some time to mentally process everything we’ve seen and experienced, so that’s it for now. Here’s the view that we saw most in Mumbai: traffic, including a lot of ‘72 Fiats. If we had a soundtrack for this, it would be the nearly constant beeping of horns.
January 25th, 2009 at 9:34 am
You guys probably haven’t seen Slumdog Millionaire (the movie). I think it opened in India this week. Check it out! An Indian boy from the slums becomes a contestant on the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire show… Fantastic film.
January 26th, 2009 at 10:23 am
The fim is HUGE news here on TV and in the papers. Can’t wait to see it!
January 28th, 2009 at 9:06 am
Gail and I saw Slumdog Millionaire this weekend and it was terrific – and set in Mumbai – thought of you guys immediately. Check it out if you get the chance, I’m sure you’ll see familiar sights.
January 28th, 2009 at 2:04 pm
How did it compare to Bangkok? One of the things that really struck me about Bangkok was the traffic and the completely insane way people drove.