Where and How I found Volunteer Jobs/What to Expect Volunteering
Everyone’s asking…here’s the answer. Alot of hard work,alot of time on the internet,alot of phone calls,and alot of late nights staying up researching different organizations!
Your skills,your commitment…
First,be willing to look at your skillset and what you can offer. Everyone has something they can offer-you don’t have to be college grad to volunteer. You could work with orphans that have AIDS,you could take care of wild birds in a breeding program, you could do health education with women…
Second, make a commitment to spend some time with the project you choose. It is the rare program that will be happy with your commitment to help them for a week or two.You will make more of a difference and have a richer experience if you stay for longer periods of time.
Third, (with rare exception) DO NOT PAY MONEY TO VOLUNTEER. There are a few places where you pay to volunteer and it is a worthy cause and makes sense, but very few. An example would be an Elephant Preserve I am working at in South East Asia, where there is a nominal volunteer fee. This fee goes to the food of the elephants, so that the local people make a profit and see the benefit of having an elephant park for tourists.
Fourth, ABOUT COSTS….BE PREPARED TO PAY ROOM AND BOARD-at least a nominal fee.This is not a huge fee-more like the average cost it wuld be for you to live/eat in that country on your own at hostels and cheap eating establishments.In Central America, this could be anywhere from $20 a week to $130 a week,but not more.( Beware of organizations claiming you are paying for accomodations and food for the price of $800 a week and so on.)
This IS NOT paying to volunteer-this is paying for the lodging and food you are eating. This is fair, because you are costing them money. Many places will give you a place to stay,but you have to buy your own food,or sometimes,just your own water. Usually, the longer your stay,the less you have to pay. If you are staying for a very long time, 3 months or more,you probably will not pay for much at all.
Also be prepared to accept whatever food is given to you graciously,and if you have to buy additional food do so.
BE PREPARED TO PAY ALL TRAVEL COSTS-short of a few miles from your final destination. Generally you can arrange to be picked up by car or boat at the train,bus,or plane station. Sometimes you are asked to arrive at the destination on your own-make sure you have clear instructions from the organization. I would not volunteer for any organization that charges you a huge fee and “includes” airfare. This is a money making scheme-look at the numerous travel sites that are up, and you’ll find that you can find a ticket for much cheaper than they quote you. Choose organizations that you have to get to on your own.
The exception to this would be the sort of grouptrip/mission trip experience,where you have to agree to the whole package deal and have no choice.
DONATIONS:You may also wish to give a donation to the organization-if you are working for a small grassroots organization, give it specifically to the person in charge.
If you are working for a larger NGO,ask what they need and see if there is a way you can meet that specific need. There may be a way you can bring items there that they cannot get easily. They will generally have a list of needs.
Some organizations claim they have no fee, but request a donation instead. Read the information carefully-sometimes this is ok,sometimes not.
Choose carefully…
Fifth, do your homework carefully. Some places sound great,but if they never call you back or can’t answer your questions,they aren’t a good fit. There was one place that I spoke with/emailed often, heard good things about, but they never emailed me back about my questions.(MY questions were not unusual.)
Look at those that have websites carefully,and contact any previous volunteers who leave contact information. Look for organizations that have had women volunteers who have enjoyed their experience, and ask them questions about safety,etc.
It is a sad truth that there are MANY places out there claiming to be organizations who are doing good-when really they are making a profit off volunteers. Don’t let this disuade you however- there are thousands of organizations out there who need you. Just ask alot of questions.
Some places advertise that they need help with “fundraising…web design..grant writing” While some of these may be ok, in my research I found many times they were not on the up-and-up.
Sixth, have travel insurance. I found reasonable travel insurance for about $200 for 6 months.
Seventh, realize your volunteer efforts,if you are truly interested in being in the service of others, is a valuable commodity.
Your efforts will greatly benefit the organization(s) you choose, if you have the right attitude.
Eighth, if you are a woman:YOUR SAFETY IS IMPORTANT. Make sure you feel comfortable and secure with what is offered to you,and that you are comfortable on arrival with your accommodations,the people you are working with etc. Make sure your door locks,or/and have a doorstop on your door. If you experience any problems or feel in danger,deal with it right away.
1. Idealist.com (look under “volunteer opportunities” and read carefully.)
2. Ecoteer
3. Green Volunteer
4. Orphanages International(Christian orphanages,but have link to non religious orphanages list,also)
5. Amnesty International
6.Catholic Worker
7. WWOOF, particularly WWOOF Independent
1. Lonely planet guidebooks,by country
2. Word of mouth-start telling people that you are going to India,for example-they may know someone working on a project there already
3. Newspapers and Magazines
4. Internet general research
5. Church/religious leaders,groups
6. Travel sites on the internet,such as bootsnall and thorn tree
Tags: 1, volunteering
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Dont dare come at me talking shit bitch. Youre too god damn stupid to realize the jews want you stuck on the racial issue, so you will NEVER get to the jew. Plain and simple. Go ahead and play supremacist like a kike and pretend HUMANS cant unite to fight off the jew. Youve got to be about dumb as a fucking rock to try and make the JEW issue an issue between whites, blacks, latinos, arabs, asians, etc. The issue is, and always has been HUMANS vs. JEWS. Hufshit is a kike, but youre just a stupid mother fucker. Where do you think youre going to go that is NOT racially integrated in todays world? Do you think white people (or ANY race for that matter) have the power to fight off every other race AND the jew at the same time? Seriously, do you really believe that? You fucking moron, I did not make this a multi-cult society, so dont blame me for stating the obvious. You either unite with ALL of your fellow countrymen against the jew, or YOU WILL FAIL. Its not something your ignorant ass gets a choice in. You either do it, or die fighting the whole fucking planet. Got it? GOOD. Hufshit might be your commander, but I dont bow to jews, so you can shove that shit up your ass. Are you really so stupid you would shoot your own foot before the battle even begins? You need to think long and hard about that one. If you want to talk about the race issue, how about this. White man helped the jew ethnically cleanse the natives who have more right to this land than you, so now what????? HUH?? Get the fuck off your pedestal mr. high and mighty.
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Highly recommended did this. Very interesting information. Thanks for sharing!
شركة النجوم لغسيل المنازل في الطائف هي شركة متخصصة وموثوقة في مجال خدمات تنظيف المنازل. تعمل الشركة على تلبية احتياجات العملاء فيما يتعلق بتنظيف وتجديد منازلهم بطرق فعالة واحترافية.تقدم شركة النجوم مجموعة واسعة من خدمات غسيل المنازل، بدءًا من غسيل الواجهات الخارجية والنوافذ، وصولًا إلى تنظيف الأرضيات والسجاد والمفروشات. تستخدم الشركة معدات ومواد تنظيف عالية الجودة لضمان تحقيق نتائج ممتازة دون التسبب في أي ضرر للأسطح أو المواد.تتميز شركة النجوم بفريق من المهنيين المدربين تدريباً جيداً وذوي الخبرة العالية في مجال تنظيف المنازل. يقوم الفريق بتقييم احتياجات العملاء وتوفير حلول مخصصة تناسب كل مساحة ونوع منزل. كما يلتزمون بمواعيد العمل ويضعون راحة العملاء في المقام الأول.تعتبر شركة النجوم لغسيل المنازل في الطائف خيارًا مثاليًا لأولئك الذين يبحثون عن خدمات تنظيف موثوقة وعالية الجودة. تهدف الشركة إلى تقديم خدمات متميزة وتلبية توقعات العملاء فيما يتعلق بنظافة وجمال منازلهم.باختصار، شركة النجوم لغسيل المنازل في الطائف تقدم خدمات متنوعة ومحترفة في مجال تنظيف المنازل. تستخدم الشركة معدات ومواد تنظيف عالية الجودة، وتضم فريقًا مدربًا ومحترفًا لتحقيق أفضل النتائج ورضا العملاء.
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