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Los Angeles….the towel situation

Sunday, June 11th, 2006

11 June 2006

Since I last wrote I have done quite a bit. The LA tour was great because it gave us a glimpse of lots of the different parts of LA and meant that I could then decide which bits to go back to.

Near our hostel is a place called the Farmers Market. They sell lots of fruit, veg etc and it is like being in a Thai market except, obviously it is American. The amount of food places here is tremendous. You can get so many different types of burgers and hot dogs and it is pretty cheap to eat so there is no excuse to go hungry.

We have also been to Griffith park which was very picturesque. I really enjoyed laying in the sun there.

We went back to Hollywood Boulevard to have another look at the stars and while we were there we go asked to go to a free show. It was called the Jimmy Kimmel show. It was a chat show and bit like Jonathan Ross etc. He had three guests and one was the first ever super model!!! It was such a fun experience although my hands really itched afterwards as you have to clap alot. When I say alot – I mean ALOT!

We also had ice cream in the Disney Soda Fountain and Store. A very chocolaty experience.

If I could have taken something with me that I have not it would have been a decent towel. So I have now bought 2. A big beach one for when I shower and a hand towel for my hair (I am sure you all realise that with my big hair it is a problem). I had taken a travel towel with me which is great at soaking up water and folding neatly away but it doesnt dry you properly and also it looks dirty already!!! Im not that dirty and I was chatting to a few peope here in the hostel and they said that they start smelling after a while. I’m ditching the travel towel!!!!

Yesturday we went to Venice Beach. So nice to relax in the sun and such a breeze too. The beach is so long and big – I dont think I have seen such a long beach.

We also went to the cinema yesturday to see ‘The Break Up’. The cinemas here are massive and the chairs are like our luxury seats (like the posh ones in Bluewater that you pay extra for).

Hoping to go out to a few bars tonight. Should be fun.

“You have a good day now!”

PS. I also really REALLY miss my phone!

Los Angeles

Wednesday, June 7th, 2006

Meryl Steep and I7 June 2006

Have arrived in LA. It’s just like the movies here. The strees are really long, never ending and tree lined avenues with rows upon rows of housing could be seen as we were landing.

Today I did a tour of LA and took loads of pictures. I saw the big Hollywood sign in the hills and we went to all sorts of different places to give us a taster of LA. Very interesting.

My hostel is good, it is clean and we are sharing a six bed dorm which is quite different when you are used to a nice cosy bedroom all of your own.

The weather is humid and smoggy. It is sooo hot but no sunshine really, kind of strange. It is great to be able to wear sandalls and no jumper/jacket though.

This week we are planning to go to Venice beach as we went there briefly today and loved it.

Nobody has said ‘have a nice day’ to me yet…