BootsnAll Travel Network


What things inspire you to travel?  My first real taste of long-term travel was right when I graduated high school, going on a two month biking trip in Europe with one of my best friends.  To this day it’s still the most eye-opening trip I’ve ever taken.  It taught me a lot about independence, relying on myself, how to get by on a budget, etc.  It was the perfect primer for my college career.

Now having just graduated in May, my latest inspirations have been two books: Vagabonding by Rolf Potts, and The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss.  Both of them argue the merits of long-term travel, as well as reminding people that travel isn’t as expensive as many think.  Anytime I’m feeling down about my decision to come to Buenos Aires, I pick up one of these books and read a chapter or two.  They reinvigorate my wanderlust and remind me why I made the decision in the first place.

What inspires your travel?



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