New Life!
Hello all. Yes, I know that I haven’t updated this in a while, sorry. But so much has been happening! Good things abound, God’s unquestionable ability to change people is amazing, and I’ve never felt so challenged (but mostly in a good way) in my life.
First off–thanks for everyone’s thoughts and prayers for me, other staff, the hostel, and travelers. I don’t think things would happen the way they do if I did not have the support and prayers of others. Just this month, 3 people have been saved here at the hostels! (there are 2 hostels that we manage–I work at the one called Shelter Jordan) It’s absolutely amazing! God is so powerful!
We hosted a “travelers night” at our hostel last week, as we do every other week. The guests at our hostel receive free dinner and dessert that night, and we present the gospel in some way; either we share testimonies, discuss the bible in a new way, or some kind of activity. The main guy leading this week felt that the Lord wanted him to just straight out preach the gospel, no fluff or beating around the bush. Just speak it. So someone else from our staff shared his testimony to start, which was very moving, as you could feel the Lord talking through him. Then the main guy started talking, about being spiritually blind, ignoring Jesus in our lives, and ending with Jesus’ death on the cross. At the end, he basically did an altar call, and asked if anyone would like this forgiveness, who wanted what Jesus could offer them, who wanted to give their life to the Lord? No one raised their hand or anything, so he said, ok , I’ll give you five more seconds…and a girl in the back timidly raised her hand! She accepted Christ into her life that night! Absolutely amazing!
And others have done the same at the other hostel this month as well. It’s so inspiring and re-energizing to see the Lord change someone’s life.
We have been having nightly prayer times in our staff house each night, and they have been so encouraging and helpful and very insightful. It has made us closer as a family here, and more dependent on the Lord for faith and insight. He has been good to us, and continually lets us know that He is listening and acting on our prayers.
So I thank you, thank you all for your prayers, and ask you to continue to remember me and the hostel ministry–there is so much to be done here!
“…the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16
Tags: Travel
November 18th, 2008 at 2:05 pm
I’m glad to see things are well with you. Say a prayer for me at those meetings! See you soon!
December 3rd, 2008 at 8:11 am
Dea! This is so awesome. Praise the Lord for his mercy there and for His presence with you guys. I am praying all the time that more and more would be poured out on the group and in your heart.