BootsnAll Travel Network

Back in the USA!

My teaching career is over for the time being. I finished up my teaching duties on July 13 and then packed up and moved out of my apartment on the 14th. A friend is storing my things for me and I’ll find an apartment when I return to Nanning. The apartment I had was provided by the school so when I finished working there I had to leave the apartment. The office for the new job will be on the other side of town in the expensive part of town so I expect that I’ll have to pay between $450 and $600 per month for a one or two bedroom apartment.

I arrived in the states on July 15 and spent about 11 days in Indiana visiting family and friends and taking care of some personal business. I don’t have to tell you how expensive medical care is here in the states. I went and had blood tests to test my cholesterol and PSA and it cost $80. A few weeks earlier in China I had a medical exam which is required for a work visa. The exam included urine and blood analysis, a basic checkup, an EKG, chest x-ray, and liver ultrasound all for a cost of $45 U.S.

I then went to California for my annual reunion with my former Coca-Cola friends from Florida. It’s always great to see them and we had a great time. I was the host this year and spent 3 days playing tour guide as we hit some of the famous sites in the Bay area. Since I couldn’t get them all to come to China we did the next best thing and did a walking tour of Chinatown in San Francisco followed by a dim sum lunch. I’m now staying at a friend’s home in the Bay area and will leave tomorrow to go to Denver to visit a pig farm. Then on Sunday I will go to Iowa to visit the M2P2 corporate office for a couple days to learn more about the pig farm business. On August 12 I fly back to Indiana for 1 night to repack my bags before heading back to China on the 13th.


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