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Archive for November, 2011

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Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

If you haven’t heard the news already, I got married on 11-11-11. We went to the government office that handles marriages involving foreigners and spent about an hour there filling out the forms and getting our marriage certificate. There was no ceremony and once they hand you the certificate you are married. It took us a moment after we got the certificates to realize that we were married. We finished there just before noon and then went to a local fast food place for a quick lunch. The cost of the marriage certificate was about $1.50….so expensive…lol! Then we went to my…..errr, I mean OUR place to grab a few things. We stopped by my office and handed out candy (a Chinese tradition) then went and checked in at the Marriott. A bit later we headed off to Bonnie’s mom’s place for dinner with Mom, Bonnie’s cousin and the cousin’s husband. Then back to the Marriott where we spent the rest of the evening discussing the pro’s and con’s of nuclear energy. Our honeymoon ended Saturday afternoon as we both had work to do. We spent part of the day Sunday working before I headed off to the airport for the first of my 4 flights to Grand Junction, Colorado where I went for 3 days of planning meetings.

I had a tough time with jet lag while in the states normally going to sleep by 11 and waking up at around 2 a.m. I finally got a full night’s sleep the night I spent in San Francisco during a layover on my way back to China. I took an empty suitcase with me and bought a bunch of food products to take back. I got back home just before 1:00 a.m. Sunday night the 20th and went back to work on Monday the 21st.

I posted some pictures from our marriage day (I won’t call it our wedding day since we didn’t have a ceremony).