Simple dating tips
Wednesday, September 23rd, 20091: Guys — do not invite a girl out, especially around dinnertime, if you have no money (we can at least split it!) and food is not on the agenda.
Me: I’m hungry.
Him: Ooooh (puzzled and panicked look).
Me: Let’s go get something to eat.
Him: Where do you want to go next? Sagrada Familia, to the sea?
Myself: Maybe I’m not being clear.
Me: Let’s go to a cafe or something.
Him: You want to go to McDonald’s?
Myself: Is he insane?!
Me: No! I don’t even eat McDonald’s at home (of course he has no knowledge of my prior indiscretion).
Him: Where do you want to go?
Me: I don’t know, this is your city.
Him: Let’s go to the beach.
Me: (Exasperated) Fine, we’ll go to the beach.
2: Be realistic about your chances if you’re simply going to ride a girl around on your motorbike (which is nice), starve her (not nice), and ignore her unwavering refusal of your advances (deplorable).
Him: I like you.
Me: Mmm hmm.
Him: Do you like my muscles?
Me: Uh sure, muscles are nice.
Him: Come closer (pulling)
Me: I don’t think so.
3: Learn to take no for an answer; begging isn’t cute (at least not in this instance).
Me: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, etc.
Him: Why, why, why, why, why, why, etc.
Myself: I take back the whole splitting the check thing; if he’s going to insist on holding my hand while bombarding me with requests to go back to his place and occasionally throwing his arms around me, he’s gonna have to pay.