The guy who sits behind bushes and scares people along the Embarcadero, ‘Frisco
This guy sits behind the bushes and scares passers-by. It’s great! Talk about schadenfreude!
Anyone who has visited San Francisco in recent years will be familiar with the black guy who sets himself up on a little chair along the Embarcadero and hides behind a couple of large leafy tree branches (that he holds in front of himself) and scares passers-by. He is heading to becoming a major tourist attraction. We were doing some shopping on the other side of the road when we noticed him. Very soon, there were about 20 other shoppers just standing across the road waiting to see the reaction of his next victims. While we were there, about 60 people in all stopped to watch.
People applaud and even cheer each successful effort. It’s almost addictive and I reckon I could have stopped there, just watching, for hours. It’s the variety of his victims that contributes to the intrigue. You see them coming – as does he – and share in the joke. Hey, here comes a family, just strolling, enjoying the boat harbour – ha ha, little do they know what’s behind those ‘bushes’ ahead. Hey, now comes a young couple – they’re obviously in love, holding hands, oblivious to the world around them – ha ha. Their turn next.
The black guy wears sun-glasses with thick yellow rims and shuffles the branches once his victims are within close range. He also sometimes does a loud growling noise to add to the shock. It’s one of those hilarious situations where you wonder afterwards why you found it so funny. Anyway, we generously put some cash into his little bucket and moved on for the day. I reckon he’d make a small fortune from this highly innovative way of entertaining others (and himself too, no doubt).
Anyone know anything about him?
Tags: Travel
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