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Archive for May, 2008

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Regular means large in New York

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

The price of food continues to impress me as cheaper than in Australia, the quality is very good and the quantities are very big. We quickly learned that ‘small’ translates into ‘medium’ by Australian standards and medium, or ‘regular’ as they say here, means large. Loosen your belt-buckle if you order anything ‘large’ – it will be huge. Here are a couple of photos to prove the point: taken at a diner in Binghamton, where we had dessert with our friend Larry Kassan after attending the Shrine Circus at the Broome County Arena. Hannah is eating a ‘regular’ portion of lemon merangue pie while Joey is eating a chocolate eclair (probably four times the size of one in Australia). (Also note Joey’s gear – all purchased at Binghamton, save for the cap which is a Hollywood original). – Barry



Untitled (can’t think of a name)

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

Today Joey has gone crazy with bordem we started up a thing were when he insults me he owes $1, so fare he owes $17! Also people are so polite and welcoming here, just a couple of minutes ago I was in the elevater and since I am wearing my “Hollywood” jumper a guy in the lift said to me “Are you from Hollywood?” I told him I was from Australia and he was very excited and interested. The elevater stopped on the 2nd floor and another person hopped on as soon as she did the guy pointed at me and said “She’s from Australia!” She put her hand out for me to shake and I did. That was a first for me, I have never shaken hands with a complete stranger, in an elevater, and only about 5 seconds after I first saw her.

A night at Chez Josephine, New York City!

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008
chez-josephine-nyc-140508-042.jpg chez-josephine-nyc-140508-041.jpg chez-josephine-nyc-140508-040.jpg [Continue reading this entry]

Photos of hotel in Binghamton

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008
Here are photos of the Hampton Inn, in Johnson City, Binghamton - the dining room, our room, Joan typing for her blog, the view and the building. Very comfortable and good value. Barry binghamton-and-back-in-nyc-009.jpg ... [Continue reading this entry]

Submitted for your approval: some photos of Binghamton, NY (Barry)

Monday, May 12th, 2008
We had two days in Binghamton, about three-and-a-half hours upstate from Manhattan by bus. Binghamton is not a tourist destination. Its appeal to me was that it's the place where Rod Serling, creator of the Twilight Zone television series and ... [Continue reading this entry]

Photos from Roscoe, NY

Sunday, May 11th, 2008
Here are some photos of Roscoe, including the Reynolds House and Motel, our bush-walking, or hiking, track - and the river where we attempted in vain to catch some trout. roscoe-035.jpg ... [Continue reading this entry]

Roscoe and the different New Yorks (Barry)

Sunday, May 11th, 2008
We stayed at Roscoe, population about 600, for two nights, 7th and 8th May. The Reynolds Family Inn and Motel is an early C20th boarding house, which has included Rockefeller and Roosevelt among its guests. There's a motel by the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Blogs and more

Saturday, May 10th, 2008
Hi, We are now in Binghamton, but I will leave it to Barry to write more about it here, being the birth place of Rod Serling (one of his heros). Surfice to say, that we've been lucky enough to have had ... [Continue reading this entry]

Joan, Joey and Hannah in Roscoe, NY

Saturday, May 10th, 2008
Roscoe is a small rural hamlet. Our hosts at the Reynolds Family Inn and Motel were just wonderful. Here's Hannah, Joan and Joey walking back from a fishing expedition. joan-hannah-and-joey-at-roscoe.jpg

Coffee, television, prices, tips and toilet flushing (Barry)

Saturday, May 10th, 2008
Just some random observations, some inspired by comments sent (by Stephen and others) in other threads. A gripe! I'm yet to have a really good coffee in New York. This is counter to my expectations. The coffee tends to be weak ... [Continue reading this entry]