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Archive for April, 2009

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I want to go home

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

Well, on day seventeen, here it is: I just want to go home. I am off to my beloved;s favourite city, but without him. I am lonely and tired of loneliness. Ah well. Not sure what possessed me to do this.

earthquake shock – 209 dead

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

I know I wrote a post earlier today or yesterday saying that I am fine. I only now read the news reports about the earthquake. I didnàt realize how big it was, adn that aftershocks continue in the area. It was actually quite close to where I was that night, though I was asleep and felt nothing. I feel very grateful for not having been hurt. I apologise for not having written to let you know that I am okay!

Apparently 209 people are now dead. I was actually thinking on the train the day before the quake how the landscape shows so much evidence of tectonic instability. Whole hills cut in half from landslides and such. Also, Assissi had suffered a major quake in 1997, which destroyed parts of their main Basilica.

If anyone at any time doubts my whereabouts or safety, Luis is in touch daily and can fill you in.  He has my cell number, and so does Danchyk.

Lunch with Random Stranger and other Bolognese thoughts

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009
I have learned why eating is actually a social thing. Eating alone is okay, and I often write in my journal to keep myself occupied, as if I were talking to someone, but in the end, I really really enjoy ... [Continue reading this entry]

Bologna, my new love

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009
I left Florence yesterday morning. I have heard many extoll her beauties and splendor, but I could not get out fast  enough. Perhaps had my love been with me it would have been different. Or if I were looking for ... [Continue reading this entry]


Tuesday, April 7th, 2009
There was an earthquake somewhere in Italy yesterday morning. I was not in it, and I am okay, for anyone checking this for my whereabouts and safety. I am now in Bologna. I did not even hear of an earthquake. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Olive Groves, Birds, and Propositions in Assissi

Sunday, April 5th, 2009
April 3 I arrived in Assissi on Friday andpromptly had my first schooling in the ways of men in these parts. The train dropped me in Santa Maria Degli Angeli, which is at the base of the hill on which Assissi ... [Continue reading this entry]

Cross-cultural Road Crossing

Friday, April 3rd, 2009
How to Cross the Road In PARIS the Champs Elysees: wait until there is a break in traffic, look left, and run like mad to the centre of the road, between two pylon-esque things, and wait for another break in traffic, look ... [Continue reading this entry]

A Little Town Called Orte

Friday, April 3rd, 2009
If it wasn,t for my cousin, I would have been on the wrong train this morning, and likely fined a pretty penny for it too. I had bought a regional ticket heading for Assissi from Rome, but was about to ... [Continue reading this entry]

Papal Tears and Weird Dreams.

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009
I woke this morning to the bluest, most lovely sky I have seen in a long time. I thought I had slept way in to the morning, but it was only nine ! I did what I am best at ... [Continue reading this entry]

Roma Pitstop

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
I am in Rome. A full day of flying, starting with arriving at the airport far too early. I ate a REAL English Muffin with butter and jam, which used to be my favourite thing as a kid. The muffins ... [Continue reading this entry]