Tag Archives: Canada 2006

Citadel Open House

This Saturday the Citadel Theatre is having an Open House between 2 and 5pm. There will be meet and greets with cast members of Pride & Prejudice and The Forbidden Phoenix as well as back stage tours and a whole lot of other interesting stuff. I’m going. I hope to see you there! Edit: Oct […]

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Corn Maze and Free Admission Day

The city of Edmonton is having a free admission day for all of their attractions on September 28th. Tonight I went to the corn maze with Jana and John, Paul, Beau and Christy and Charlene and I. We had a pretty good time wandering around carrying our flashlights just in case we got really lost. […]

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Groundie for a Day

A half day of hard labour this weekend as I helped Charlene with pruning an Apple tree. I learned how to run a chipper and watched her in action. I was clearning the brush from the yard and chipping it up and on occasion I got beaned on the hard hat with falling crab apples. […]

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Happy Housewarming and Horses

This past weekend Charlene and I went to her friend’s house in Olds to celebrate her purchase of a new home. It looked pretty sweet. Fully renovated from the 60s. I think Charlene and I were pretty tired from the week because we were laughing uncontrollably at things that weren’t really all that funny. (Ange, I’m […]

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Weekend at the Lake

So, old school gamers night wasn’t much though Charlene and I enjoyed ourselves with our Commodore and Atari. Jonathon brought his Nintendo and we all took turns playing on all three systems. A few days later we got the Sega Genesis working and played Sonic, etc for the whole night. This past weekend I went […]

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Old School Gamers Night

Oh yes, I’ve set up the Atari 600XL and the Commodore 64. There are parts for Nintendo, Sega and Genesis but I haven’t checked to see if I have all the components.  It’ll be great. I think I want to find more games for my Atari as I’ve only got 5 from when I was young.

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Today I helped to de-shingle a roof. It was pretty easy work but a little difficult with the wind because the tar paper flew around and the little bits of shingle rocks got into our eyes. I had fun though and we managed to take one half of the roof off in 2 hours. Later, […]

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Setting up House

So, I’m basically settled mentally, just need a few more items physically. I don’t have a couch or table/coffee table. Lots of stuff still in boxes in the basement but obviously I don’t need them urgently since they are still sitting where I left them when I moved in. I bought a fancy knife. I’m […]

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Free as a bird

It’s been 1 week of being single

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Capital Ex

Busy Saturday today! Went to see the new Batman movie, Dark Knight and then headed to Capital Ex for a little walk around and to see the larger, expanded butterfly exhibit. I didn’t much care for the larger, expanded butterfly exhibit this year. They had a larger enclosure but all they did was put up […]

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