
I’ve been working at the University of Technology at Sydney (UTS Insearch) for the past few days in the Marketing department. They are creating coursebooks for their english as a second language couse and we have to enter the instructors notes in the proper format in the booklet template. It’s been fun. Way better than the conference stuffing showbags that I did last week. And I’m getting crazy hours. I’ve been pulling an average of 10 hours per day the last 3 days. I was also asked to work on Saturday for 5 hours and to come back on Monday and possibly Tuesday.

The problem is that the course is starting and it hasn’t even made it to the first round of proofing yet. I don’t know when the course starts or if it’s already started but the profs ideally wanted these books done and printed last week. HAHAHA silly people have no concept of what graphic design and editing is like.

I also need to look up the labour laws so I know what kind of overtime I should be making! Right now, regular pay is $18.00/hr.
