New Apartment/Job

Happy Easter! Got the whole long weekend to settle in, and wander around the neighbourhood and everything. All the shops are closed except for the saturday. Went to the Hotel Staff party on Good Friday, it was cool ,since I only did the training shift! it says in the manual that it costs about 80.00 per person to go, so I’m getting my money’s worth!

Downside, Spent easter monday at a 4 hour training session at the hotel, unpaid!!!!!

Will try and upload pics of the apartment later but it’s sketchy since I don’t get internet at the apartment and these internet cafes are only in the city. I have to pay to take a train into the city to do internet until i find a library or something.

I am supposed to get a lot of hours from the hotel but if an office temp job comes up, I’m going to pass on hotel shifts.

so, what sup with everyone’s wedding planning? any news?
