Eveline won free fringe tickets for last night. It was an arts college production and modern interpretation of Shakespeare’s Lear. Kinda like the Romeo and Juliet that Leonardo DiCaprio starred in with Claire Danes.
5-10 minutes into the play, a troupe of modern dancers in red masks danced around the stage. That’s when I realized that I should leave.
Unfortunately, I didn’t. It’s rude and the theatre was at most half full so us leaving would have been quite obvious… Both of us had problems following the story because of the Shakespearian english and we were not familiar with the storyline… we both came out of the play shaking our heads.
Neither of us knew the other thought the play sucked until the curtain closed. Eveline was wanting to leave about an hour in but thought it rude, especially since we were sitting on the far side from the entrance/exit.
I kept trying to muffle my laughter. not that the students were bad but I didn’t expect modern dancers…
two hours I’ll never get back…