Friday I had Adam over for dinner. Lovely cheese tortellini in tangy tomato sauce. I can’t take credit for it, boiled the sauce was from a can, but I did add my own spices and veggies to it.
Afterwards, he surprised me with theatre tickets to a Firefly Theatre presentation called Fly by Night(s). as you may recall, I wrote about this company a few months ago talking about taking their trapeze classes. Tickets were $22 and it was a bunch of little one act shows that included a magician, a transvestite trailerpark monologue, the Be Arthurs, a ukulele band and many more hilarious acts. At one point, Adam was asked to go up on stage and be part of an act with another couple audience members.
Here he is getting his safety gear.
Yes that’s a head of lettuce on his head!
The Hula hoop of deathly knives comes up to chop, CHOP, CHOP!